First Touch

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Next morning namjoon come to his mom

"Mom good morning" rise her eyebrows and ask

"Is today the sun rise from other side?"

"Mom why you say this am i not ever wished you good?" laugh

"Ha ha kidding now tell me what you need"

"Umm actually"

"What actually stop roaming and say"


"Huh what number i didn't understand your alien language"

"Mom you know i don't like to repeat myself"

"But i can't hear you son then how i'll know what do you say"

Namjoon take a deep breath and gathered his courage and say

"I need her number will you please give me" was shock after hear this

"What did you ask for her number"

Namjoon become embarrassed infront of his mother and try to leave

"Anyway I'm going"

Before he leave hold his hand and handed him a paper

"This is the thing what you need"

Namjoon take the paper and hurriedly run toward his room and close the door

"What the f**k I'm so embarrassed infront my mother huh anyway"

After that namjoon leave for office when he gose to his office he saw y/n with a girl and boy so he told the driver to stop the car and he get out of the car and walk towar the people gathering

Jisoo speak

"Oh my god y/n you going to get married I'm so excited well how he look could you please explain us"


become shy and said

"He is so tall and handsome"

Eunwoo speak

"Is he really handsome then me?"

Before y/n could say anything suddenly namjoon come and held y/n 's waist and their body attach with each other and say

"Hello guys I'm kim namjoon y/n's would be husband"

Y/n body jerked off because of namjoon's sudden touch her breath getting heaviour that time eunwoo say

"I think we should leave now y/n"

"Yeah me too by y/n"

After that they left and namjoon looked at y/n and ask her

"What are you doing here?"

Y/n was shaking because of namjoon and namjoon can see this so he lose his grip and turn her toward him and lift her chin up there eyes meet and y/n become red

"I said what are you doing there"

" ac..actually"

Y/n was shuttered on her word so namjoon give her a hug and try to clam her because of sudden hug y/n heart beat getting increase but she feel safe on his embrace namjoon slowly caressed her hair and said

"Are you free today so we can go on a coffee date"

Y/n shock and thought

"Is he really talk about date?"

"Y/n are you free today"

Namjoon back away from the hug and y/n nodded

"Okay we I'll pick you after your college"

Y/n again nodded and before namjoon leave he leave a little peck on his forehead and leave y/n blush

"First time someone touch me and I'm feel so good"

To be continue.... 

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