LXVI. I'm Pregnant.

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"I'm pregnant."

"Huh?", Seungcheol pretended to question. He regretted his powers at that moment. 'Uh, I'm never gonna be surprised, fuck.'- he thought.
'Why doesn't he look surprised?'- you thought.
Seungcheol sighed before cupping your cheeks.

"Baby, I can hear your thoughts.", he said.
"H-Hear my thoughts?", you asked.
"Yes, sweetheart! I can hear what you think. So... I'm always notified about what you're thinking. You found out you were pregnant three days ago... so since you've been thinking of that, I already know it.", he explained.

You gave him a look.

"WAIT- WHAT- s-so you mean you've heard all my thoughts?!", you questioned. He nodded. "Th-The ones that you shouldn't know?"
"Well... are you talking about spit on my face daddy?", he asked. You pushed him and sat down on the floor. Seungcheol laughed.
"This is so embarrassing-", you whined.
"It's not. You're cute... well wild as well.", he picked you up. "But... Yn, I'm truly happy, love. I'm-I'm so thankful... I'm so thankful to you, my love.", he had tears in his eyes. You smiled, wiping them away.
And he pulled you in his embrace, snuggling under your neck, burying his face on your shoulders.
"Thank you!", he cried.
"It's okay. It's all okay...", you smiled, tears fell down your eyes as well but you continued to console the crying vampire.
"I love you, Yn. I love you. Thanks for coming in my life.", Seungcheol sincerely spoke in a muffled voice.
"I love you more, Seungcheol. I love you too.", you whispered, rubbing his back.

And both of you connected lips together in a slow, lovefilled kiss. Seungcheol kneeled down and kissed your belly. You laughed feeling ticklish. He got up, kissing your ring finger as well. And both of you kissed again.

"They're so in love.", Daniel said. The spies were watching the aurora from the hotel balcony but found the moment between their bosses more beautiful.
"I know, right? Mam is actually pregnant.", Maya said.
"Umhm! That day when boss called me-"

Three days back.

Seungcheol knocked the door of spies. Daniel opened it.
"Oh sir?"
"Hey, Dan! Yn wants Maya for a while, can she see her once?", the mafia asked.
"Yeah, ofcourse! Hey, babe!"
"Ye- oh boss?", Maya greeted.
"Mam wanted to see you."
"Oh ofcourse!"

Seungcheol and the female spy walked towards both of yours room.
"Oh, hi, Maya!", you said.
"Hi, mam! Is everything okay?", she asked.
"Well- babe, go out for a while?", you said and the vampire nodded and walked out. "Hey, can you find a pregnancy test for me?"
"A pregnancy test? Yeah ofcourse, mam! Do you want me to get it for you now?"
"Yes, please! Do a favor, please!"
"Oh no, mam! That's not a favor! Allow me!", you nodded and she walked out and returned back shortly after.
"Oh wow... you're back pretty soon.", you said.
"Yeah, we get it anywhere around. Um, don't mind me asking! But-", she sounded excited. "What symptoms are you having?"
You chuckled.
"I missed my periods, vomited twice, feeling nauseous as fuck. And it's a perfect time.", you said.
"WOW!", the spy clapped. "Please!", she got up and pointed towards the washroom.
You laughed and walked towards the washroom. Maya was eagerly waiting after you returned back.
Both of your eyes were stuck on the device. And after a while, two lines were visible.
"EEEEE!!!!", both of you screamed and jumped around, clasping hands together. The ladies hugged eachother.
"CONGRATULATIONS!", Maya squealed.
"THANK YOU!", you thanked.
"Are you gonna surprise boss?"
You nodded.
"Wow. I'm so happy for both of you. Now are we getting a mini Scoups or a mini Agent Red, let's stay tuned! Please let me know!"
"Oh, ofcourse! We're besties from now on. How old are you?", you asked.
"Oh I'm 26.", she replied.
"Ah- I'm 31. But doesn't matter."
"You're 31...? I thought you were like 22? How old is boss then?"
"He's 32."
You laughed at the spy's shocked face.
"I thought you two were way young."
"Ah! Thanks! When did you and Daniel get married tho?"
"Last year. We were in a relationship for six years before."
"Aw, that's sweet!"
"We've worked quite closely with all our bosses. They're really kind. They break the stereotypes of black mafias and also have a really good bond with eachother and are humorous.", Maya said. You nodded.
"True! You're Korean, right? But how did Daniel end up in Korea from Norway?", you asked.
"He read somewhere in Google that you find good and well paying jobs in Korea and he decided to just visit it and try working with Seventeen for fun. I was a new recruite there, bosses had secretly tested me before recruiting and I passed it and we fell in love and yeah. I don't regret working for Seventeen."
You smiled.
"I'm glad. You once tried to spy on us too, I remember.", you laughed.
"Hehe... we didn't know. I ask for your forgive-"
"It's okay. Don't worry!"

Present day.

"Oh wow. We should congratulate them.", Daniel said.
"With a cake?", Maya asked and her husband nodded.

"Baby, pose with hands on your stomach!", Seungcheol gave an idea, you laughed.
"I'll send it to kids. Did you tell them?"
"I haven't. Okay!", you posed as he said, both of you laughed.
"Cute, mother of my children!", he said, you laughed. "The lights look nice.", he pointed, you watched the sky.
"They definitely are but you've no idea how fucked we're to be able to see these.", you said.
"These are formed when magnetic storms that have been triggered by solar activity like solar flares which means explosions on the Sun or ejected gas bubbles of the Sun."
"So... how are they not good?", he asked, you laughed.
"Because solar storms cause these. The Sun is sending it's harmful ions or storms towards the Earth which isn't good and can cause extinction of us lol.", you explained. He tried to understand and nodded.
"Oh...! Yeah. Obviously...! Because they're waves of fire..."
"Basically... you can say that."

"Babe, when should we return?", Seungcheol asked.
"Hm...! We can return back before Hansol and Dahyun's anniversary. Still a few days left.", you replied.
"As you wish, heart!"
"Let's return to Trondheim tomorrow since Maya and Dan have their car there?"

And Seungcheol picked you up, walking to both of yours stay.

Same Morning.
9 a.m.

You wokeup and hissed when your stomach got a cramp.
"Hey- hey, babe, are you okay?", Seungcheol asked, caressing your belly.
"Yeah...! Good Morning!", you hugged him. "Umh... you didn't sleep?"
He giggled.
"I was so excited, I couldn't even sleep.", Seungcheol replied, you laughed.
"Babe! So you were actually staring at me the whole night?!", you asked. He nodded. "I opened my eyes and saw you but then I thought I was dreaming."

He placed butterfly kisses all over your face and picked you up to the bathroom.
"Freshen up and let's go on a date!", Seungcheol said, you nodded.

After a while, someone knocked the door of both of yours room. Seungcheol opened it and smiled seeing Maya and Daniel. Him with a cake and her with flower bouquet.

"A small congratulations from us!", Maya said

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"A small congratulations from us!", Maya said. Both of you chuckled.
"Thank you so much!", both of you thanked and cut the cake and fed eachother and also the spies after accepting the bouquet.
"Get in, please!", you said.
"Ah, I think you're getting late for your date?", Maya said.
"Oh yeah... by the way, we've decided to return to Trondheim tomorrow, what say?", you asked.
"Why Trondheim, mam? You two better go direct to Oslo. The journey can be tiring for you. You two directly fly to Oslo."
"What about you two?"
"Oh we! We'll be just fine. Drifting cars around, don't worry!"
"Okay then! We'll book your tickets as well.", you said.
"Ah- mam-"
"No buts and ifs. Enjoy the day!", Seungcheol said and both of you walked out after bidding goodbyes.

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