~Chapter 4~

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2002 -12 September

Mhia Pov

The next morning I woke up with someone tickling me stomach and I immediately burst out in laughter.

When I open my eyes and see Santiago I laugh even harder. Tiago is my favorite. Don't tell anyone else though.

He picks me up and takes me to a closet, "ok what close does my little bambina want to wear huh?"he asks with a big smile and I giggle and pick my clothes.

He picks me up and takes me to a closet, "ok what close does my little bambina want to wear huh?"he asks with a big smile and I giggle and pick my clothes

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Her outfit^

After I got dressed Tiago picked me up and we went downstairs. When we got to the kitchen we saw everyone already there, with mama making food for everyone. To be honest I love mama's food, hers is the best anyway.

I wiggle out of Tiago's arms and run to papa, when he sees me running to him he just laughes and when I'm close enough to him he picks me up and puts me on his lap.

"Hi my principessa, did you sleep good?"he asks me with a soft smile while I nod and I see everyone looking at me. I then try to scoot myself more into papa because of this much attention.

"What's wrong baby?"papa asks and I pout and turn towards him, "why are they all looking at me for so long and this much?"I ask and Antonio answers with a small smile.

"Because, your adorable, and just because your our baby sister."and I giggle and I see Dante on his phone.

I frown and turn towards papa again, "what is that, that Dante has papa?" Papa then turn to see what Dante has and looks down at me with a smile.

"That is called a phone baby, you can do anything on it even play games. Do you wanna play on my phone?"he asks and I nod immediately.

Papa them gives me his phone I immediately see alot of fun kids games on it. I then pick a game that I think looks fun and start to enjoy myself.

Vincenzo Pov

Mhia is so busy playing games on dads phone she doesn't even realize that dads allies come into the room and start talking.

They all look at her with a soft look full of adoration. Man, I can't blame them for that, she's fucking adorable.

This morning when I woke up I decided that I want to spend the day with Mhia alone, with no one else with us. Let's just hope she says yes.

"Mhia, baby there's some people I want you to meet."papa says and Mhia lifts her head and sees papa's allies, but she doesn't know they are allies though.

"W-who they?"Mhia asks with a soft voice looking at papa, "they are...friends baby."Papa says with a smile and Mhia looks at the men again.

"They hurt me?"She asks dad, and everyone in the room immediately frowns and I can feel my anger start to flare.

"No, no baby, they won't hurt you. They're nice."dad says and I mentally laugh.

Sometimes they are nice yeah... haha

Mhia nods and looks at the men for a few seconds and says, "Hi, it's nice to meet you all. I'm Mhia."and everyone smiles, the anger subdued a little atleast.

I wonder why she asked if they would've hurt her?!?!

"Here is phone."Mhia says giving dad his phone and then she runs out the kitchen. She's probably overwhelmed..

{Time skip}

After Mhia ran out the kitchen dad and the men immediately began talking business. I decided that it was a good time to ask Mhia if we could spend the day and she said yes!!

It's now 5 30pm and me and Mhia just got back from the park and let me tell you, it felt amazing being a little kid again. Hell I even went on the slides and everything. I even played in the sand... don't tell anyone of that though, they'll probably judge...

Mhia ran straight to her room to get cleaned up for when dinner is ready. I went to my room also, took a needed shower, got dressed and went back downstairs, Mhia wasn't there yet.

"How was your day with Mhia?"mama asks as I step into the dining room. I get a smile on my face and say, "it was the best, she laughed the whole time we were at the park."they all huff.

"Ya, ya rub it in. Just know I'm still her favorite dumbass."Santiago says with a smug smirk. I smirk back challenging him.

"You sure about that big fratello cuz I don't think so anymore."and his smirk drops only a little. Got him hahaha.

We suddenly hear little footsteps coming towards the dining room. We know it's Mhia. I'm still so glad we had the entire fucking day for ourselves.

"Sorry, I'm late."Mhia says as she walks into the dining room. "It's fine bambina, don't worry about it."dad says, expecting Mhia to go towards him but surprisingly she comes towards me...

Is what I want to scream at everyone but I can't curse infront of Mhia.

I smile and pick her up. All my brothers look at me with jaws dropped. Get it dicks.

We all start eating after a while and Mhia rambled on about what an amazing day she had with me and u smirk and I hear some of my brothers huff. Now I'm the favorite... I think.

After dinner we all went to sleep and as usual we all said goodnight to Mhia with a kiss to her forehead.

Today was the best, spending it with my little sister. I'd protect her with my life. Anything for you bambina.


Sorry this one took a bit, I was kinda busy writing my other stories.

What do you think Mhia meant when she asked if they were gonna hurt her?

What do yall think of this chapter.




If you want^

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