LXVII. Did I see right?

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Seungcheol opened the car door for you

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Seungcheol opened the car door for you.
"Where did you get a car?", you asked.
"I can get the universe for you, heart. What is a car?", he winked. You blushed.
"Uh! Cheesy!"

Seungcheol got inside as well and drove off towards a direction after setting the maps on Google.

"You're prepared, aren't you?", you asked.
"I am."
"Where did you get this car tho? It smells nice..."
"Daniel managed it for me.", Seungcheol replied.
"Oh! They're really sweet."

First he took you to Fiskekompaniet Sjøsiden for a good breakfast.
"Can I taste yours?", you asked. Seungcheol forwarded you his bowl. "Ah! Mine is good."
He laughed.
"Here...!", you forwarded him a spoon and he gulped the soup.
"That's nice!", he said.

And then to Galleri Nord.
"We can take souvenirs of Norway, baby. What do you say?", he asked. You nodded with a smile.
"I feel like that'd be good.", you pointed.
"This one?", he showed another one. "Let's take both!"
You laughed.

After getting a few handicrafts and paintings from the above place, Seungcheol drove towards Blåst Glass blowing studio.
You gasped.
"Everything is so pretty over here.", you said, taking a look at the glass items.
"Because you're here, sweetheart.", Seungcheol said. You wheezed and hit his arm again.
"Uh! Baby daddy is so cheesy. You better not teach this to our baby if it's a son."
"Oh I won't but you know the baby would have twelve uncles who are way worse than me-"
"As if aunties are any better-"
Both of you chortled and high-fived, picking a few items from the shop.

And then Seungcheol drove towards Wabi Sabi- another shopping destination.
"Should I get this?", you asked, showing a ring. "Or this?"
"You can take both.", he replied and you laughed.
"I'll take something for aunties th- did I just call them aunties?!"
Both of you cackled again.

And then he stopped infront of Helmersen Delikatesser og Vinbar.
"I searched if women should consume alcohol or not- and it said they shouldn't even a single drop. Then found out that it has non-alcoholic drinks as well. So yay!", Seungcheol explained and you laughed.
"What else did you find out?", you asked.
"About... pregnancy...?", he replied with an innocent pout making you smile. "By the way, baby... it said it takes atleast two weeks for fertilization? But we had sex just a week ago?"
"Uh, babe! We had it in the kingdom too, remember?", you said, he looked at you in realization.
"Baby! That's why you were dizzy the day when you went to our headquarters!", he said.
"Well... yeah! We get pregnant sooner compared to humans.", you said.
"Ahh! Oh!", he nodded in understanding.

After enjoying drinks with eachother's peaceful company, both of you went cruising in the Arctic Cruise in Tromsø.
"Ooh! This area is so chilly.", you breathe out and Seungcheol backhugged you, wrapping you inside his coat and kissed the mark on your neck.
You closed your eyes at the soothing sensation as the vampire caressed your flat belly, grabbing your hands.
"I love you so much.", he whispered under your nape making you shiver at his touches.
"I love you too."
While disembarking, Seungcheol grabbed your waist and pulled you on land.

"Our date can't go without coffee.", he said. You laughed.
And then, he drove off towards Smørtorget café.
"Woah... smells so nice...!", you said, upon entering the café.
"Hmhm...! What do you want, baby?"
Both of you ordered and sat down on the window counter.

"Hah... I had the best days of my life.", you said.
"Me too.", Seungcheol added.
You rested your head on his shoulder as he pulled your chair closer.
"We should buy a crib.", you said.
"And- I'd have gotten more clothes too but we don't know the gender."
"Yeah... after seven months.", he replied.
"You searched that too?", you asked. He nodded with a grin. "Tell me more? What else?"
"Your stomach will grow after four to five months... vomiting, nausea and bad smells but depends hormonally. Some might have extreme mood swings and can have depression, emotional weaknesses, body weaknesses, weird food cravings, hunger, running to washroom every five minutes, body pain, forgetfulness, anxiousness, discomfort, twitches, weight gain and there's a good thing.", he smiled sheepishly. "Boobies will grow more."

You smacked Seungcheol's head.

"And I read a method to soothe soreness.", he smiled sheepishly again.
You smacked his head again.
"Read correct but pervert!", you huffed.
"I'll take care of you. And our baby.", he said, caressing your belly.
You smiled.
"I trust you.", you said.
"This is Suji's department, right?", Seungcheol said and you nodded. "Yeah. I'll talk to her too."
"I also read another thing.", he said. "It's safe to have sex-"
And Seungcheol dodged another smack.
But you pinched his nipples instead.
"Pervert!", you pouted. He kissed the pout away. "Sex is okay only if the pregnancy is healthy, babe. Ours isn't so healthy."
"Why?", Seungcheol asked.
"Because of the rupture. I talked to Suji this morning. She said you've to pay special attention since there are chances of you know... miscarriage... uh... it's at a little risk.", you gulped.
"Oh...!", the vampire nodded, intertwining his hand with yours. "Don't worry! Baby daddy will take care."
You chuckled, "You can use my mouth, not my kitten for a few months."
Both of you laughed.

And the waiter placed both of your orders on the table.
You were still sitting on the counter while Seungcheol had gone to pay.
And a few ladies grabbed your attention. Your eyes widened upon recognizing the grown up females, three with a child each and one pregnant with a large belly and three others just joking around. You got up from your place, hands and legs shaking and breathe uneven.

Seungcheol immediately came to you after hearing your thoughts which sounded distressed

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Seungcheol immediately came to you after hearing your thoughts which sounded distressed.
"Hey, baby? Is everything okay?", he asked, caressing your back.

"B-Babe...!", you pointed at a direction. The vampire looked at where you were pointing and he had the same reaction.

 The vampire looked at where you were pointing and he had the same reaction

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