Chapter 24: Love Is Eternal

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I was just killing more workers as what U( the leader of the new Squad Delta) has asked, until I hear a voice calling my name


I instantly recognize the voice, it was T, my long time crush, and I thought he didn't care for me, but he went looking for me! This was shocking because I simped for D until that day when he went berserk and almost killed us, that's the day I fell in love with him. I don't care he tried to kill me, he was doing that because I was being mean to my brother. I then see T enter the room and says

T: A! There you are, I've been (huff) looking (huff) for y-you!

A: L-looking f-for me.

T: Yeah now stop killing the Workers and come with me.

When I heard him say to stop killing the workers, I was disappointed of his statement.

A: Why?

T: They did nothing wrong, besides, humans treated them like slaves before the core collapse, please listen to me.

A: I'm sorry, I can't go against U's orders.

T: Even E want you to stop.

A: Speaking of E, what is he doing?

T: Fighting Z!

A: Of course, he doesn't care for us, instead, fighting us and probably killing us.



A: Really?


A: I believe you but I can't go against my boss (U) so beat it.

T: Then I'll fight you to stop.

A: Okay bring it on.

T then starts shooting missiles at me, but since how agile I am, I dodge them all and I thought.

A's mind: What am I doing fighting the strongest Disassembly Drone?

My mind was cut short with me getting slashed by T's claw and I fall to the ground but I get up instantly.

A's mind: I just hope he doesn't go berserk again.

I then shoot a bunch of bullets at T which he dodges most of them but some hit him and he winces in pain before getting up.

T: Bullets aren't going to stop me.

T's hands are replaced by blades and so are mine. We both try to slash each other but with me blocking T's attacks and T blocking my attacks until we locked blades. I was blocking T's attack while he was blocking my attack until he said.

T: I'm so so sorry, have fun repressing this.

T then licked my blade and I say.

A: EW, what the hell.

T then round house kicked me and I was sent to a wall and I say in a seducing voice

A: What a way to beat a woman, I like it~

I saw T blushing so hard that he looked like an actual lemon and he said.

T(blushing): I-I thought you didn't like it!

A(blushing): I was lying~

A(blushing): I also wanted to admit something to you.

T(blushing): What is i-it?

A's mind: You can do this A

A(blushing): I have feelings for you!

T(blushing):What I-... I do to!

A(blushing): Really?

T(blushing): Yeah, I had a crush on you for the last 16 years.

A(blushing): Same.

We both hug and I say.

A: I'll stop killing for you.

T: Thank you.

T: Now come on, you want to see E and Z, right,

A: Yeah.

T and I walk back to where ever T is taking me.

Third Person POV

T took A back to Uzi's apartment with the two holding hands and once they arrived, E, Z, Brett, and K raised their digital eyebrow and E said.

E: Looks like someone got some courage.

T: Shut your trap.

E: Your not a pirate.

E then run up to A and hugged her tight.

E: I-I missed you SO much A.

A: Me to E.

The two hug for a bit until they stop and A say to Z.

A: Hey Z, I heard you and E fought.

Z: Yep.

E: And gave up.

A: I didn't gave up against T, I just lost against T.

E: See Z, always fight, don't give up, don't surrender, always fight and if you die, be proud of yourself and die with a simile.

Z: Okay E.

E: Also K, where's N and V again

K: They ran together to find M and U.

E: Makes sense, anyways, A, this is Uzi and this is Khan, Uzi's dad.

A: Hey Uzi,

Uzi: Hey A.

A: Hey Khan.

Khan gave a weak wave back and went into the apartment.

E: While were waiting for the two to come back, how about we go inside.

A and Z: Sounds good big bro.

K, Brett, Uzi, E, T, A, and Z go back inside and Brett says.

Brett: Hey A, Z you know that I'm Serial Designation B right.

A: Wait you are.

Brett: Yep

Z: That explains the three stingers.

Uzi: Also what do your stinger do exactly.

Brett: Oh, so the stinger on the left is your regular nanite stinger, the one in the middle is the Corrosive stinger. It has corrosive acid that while disintegrate your entire body in a minute.

Uzi: Damn!

Brett: And Finally, the one on the right is the sleep stinger, it basically makes you fall asleep in an instant once you get stabbed with it and gives you nightmares, TERRIFYING NIGHTMARES!

E: Remember the time you pranked me by stabbing me with your sleep stinger?

Brett: Oh yeah and you were about to end me until T stopped you.

E: Oh yeah, that was good times.

Brett: Yeah.

Brett's mind: I wonder how mom and dad are doing? (N and V if you didn't somehow know.)


889 words

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