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Hello there you been wondering
If you have the power to go back in time what would you do you.  

My name is liam and Im in the bus right now reading,  im reading a  novel that it takes so long to update I been reading this for a long time now
And when im about to finish suddenly a gun was point in my head.

-Hey yo dumb ass, what are you looking at? do you want to meet you're creator? give me the phone!

-As I about to give the phone  A sudden earthquake occurred-

-Is that a a giant snake, no shit sherlock-
-What is this floating screen in front of me-
-A sudden message just arrived congratulations earth 1218 your earth has just evolve to the apocalyptic stage although it impossible but it really did happen-

Liam : shit dont tell me the novel I been reading come to life?? are kidding me ?! I had plan for myself and your saying that some idiot regressor will Come to this world to save his love. This is just bullshit,  this not some kind of novel that have 3.149 right because if did i will literally die

Well folks see you in next chapter.

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