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Follow your heart♥
Everyone in life has gone through that phase where your head is in a constant battle with your heart , where every moment of life is strutting forward with a sad nod , where your heart is damp with crumling expectations , where every road has the sign of "no entry " dangling before your eyes !
Yes , its like a melancholy of sadistic thoughts which makes you fall hard on your face.
Where you start questioning every single thing about your lame existance .
Every once and a while ...your head plonks around the question , " Is following what your heart says ....leads you to the right path , everytime ?"
Our dreams are made up of the things we subconsciously admire , the things which makes our sanity guarded by a strong shield of euphoria .
Yes , one should follow his/her heart . But the heart Is like a GPS . It doesnt always have accurate information and might occasionally lead you to a dead-end !
The heart is just one part of YOU.
It can't take the place of your eyes which can see things as they are , the ears which can filter all the trash , and all those other mediums through which you can be rational and not an emotional-judgemental-psychotic-prick everytime with your heart butting in . At times , things in life just needs your intellectual mind and ability to understand them and not the interception of your heart.
Several times in life, you'll be stopped by the "dead-ends" ,and all you can do is to turn around and set a new path .
May be , it wont be easy and the new path may not be as exciting as the old one and surely , your heart is going to flip out because you it suddenly lost the momentum, but hey - at least you're alive ! That is a clear signal to start afresh and who knows you lend up straight at your destination.
We dont have a cape or super powers nor we are bit by a radioactive spider while exploring a science lab and we certainly dont have a fairy godmother who has a magic wand .
But we have our "talent" , the talent to create. Something which would live forever . And that alone is quite magical !
While not entirely scientific , I believe that world revolves around the chain of perceptions of the people. What we perceive ,becomes the law, a belief .
The only difference which separates us from others is , "where we look ? "
We can all look IN instead of looking OUT ,and thus gain perspective , a new belief.
There are no guarantees in life . But sure all things come with an expiry date in life .
Sometimes going with the gut feeling is the best thing to be done when the vision is blurred !
So , sometimes we are that happy person , with a spunk in ur walk , a goofy smile and sparkle in eyes and sometimes we all turn into that little girl , who is hiding in her closet with her favourite doll clutched into her hands .
Fate cant be more realistic than that !
So take that leap of faith , you never know , you might end up In Maimi, happily swimming with the dolphins ♥

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