Weirding Her Out

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Sergeant Carter and Lou-Ann were hanging out at the lookout spot when Lou-Ann had to use the bathroom. They went into town and she used the bathroom at a restaurant. Then, they went back to the lookout spot. There, Sergeant Carter said "you know, Lou-Ann the thought of you really needing to use the bathroom made me sexually excited" "Oh, that's...... unusual" Lou-Ann said, not sure what to think of this announcement. "I wanna taste your warm, golden nectar" Sergeant Carter said, leaning into Lou-Ann. "Oh, Sergeant Carter, that's disgusting!" Lou-Ann said, weirded out. "I don't think it is" Sergeant Carter replied. "Sergeant Carter, can you take me home?" Lou-Ann asked. "I'm feeling uncomfortable" "Alright" Sergeant Carter said, getting up. Sergeant Carter did just that.

The End.

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