LXVIII. How did they find us?

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Both of you stood there for a while, trying to figure out what to do at that situation. The missing vampire princesses. They were missing since years and... now... when you and Seungcheol were on a vacation, you suddenly find them? That too with kids and pregnant...

The seven princesses walked inside the café as well and sat down at another table behind both of you. Both of you gulped, you caressed Seungcheol's hands who had tears in his eyes. He was about to cry.
"Cheol... shh... what's wrong, baby?", you whisper-asked as his head hung low.
"Y-Yn...", he silently cried out. You hugged him.
"Shh... hey, everything's fine, Cheol... why are you crying?", you rubbed his back.
"Wh-What do we do n-now...?", he muttered. You gulped, glancing at the princesses who seemed to be enjoying with a merry environment. You gulped. Even your eyes filled with tears, you understood what the male might be feeling upon seeing his sisters after so long when everyone had given up on them and thought they were dead.

"Babe... should we go to them?", you asked. Couldn't even talk loud because they weren't sitting so far.

"Eomma, I want croissants.", the 10 year old little boy said.
"Alright, little prince!", Nayeon, the eldest 32 year old princess spoke.

Seungcheol suddenly sobbed. You closed your eyes as well. They have kids... and both of you were in such a difficult situation that moment.

"Ah-oh! No, not eomma's coffee, baby! Have yours!", the 31 year old princess, Wendy or Seungwan said.
"Momma... coffee, pwease?", her 4 year old daughter requested.

"Here, have aunty's! Momma is just stubborn.", Chaewon, the youngest 28 year old princess said.
"Yah, you brat! Stop spoiling the kids!", Seungwan huffed.
"Unnie, four of you spoiled us and now we're gonna spoil your kids. Tadaaa!", the second youngest princess, 29 year old, Chaeyoung spoke.
"Yeah! Yeah! That's why that kid is with you.", Momo, the 31 year old princess pointed at her 2 year old son.
"Hah! He loves me, so what?", Minju, the 29 year old princess said.

"Y'all, I need to pee.", Jeongyeon, the second eldest 32 year old princess said.
"Come!", Minju got up and the ladies walked towards the washroom.

"Wait a minute, babe!", you said.
"Wh-What will you d-", Seungcheol asked.
"Nothing! Trust me!"
And you walked towards the washroom as well.

-In The Washroom-

"Unnie, the due date is next week.", Minju said, getting excited.
"Yeah...! You're the next.", Jeongyeon said.
"Eh, comeon! There should be atleast two year age gap."
"Still you're the next."
"Bleeh! Whatever!"

And you walked in while Jeongyeon and Minju were washing hands. Their eyes visibly widened upon seeing your reflection in the mirror. You acted like a stranger and decided to fix makeup.
The vampire princesses stared at you.

"Uh... can I help you two?", you asked in English.
They shook their heads.
"Y-You're Yn right?", Minju asked in Korean.
"Yeah...! How do you know? Oh and you're Korean as well!", you said.
"Oh... just... you know I keep going to the Seoul Hospital and my husband is a-a doctor as well. So...", Jeongyeon said.
"Ah! Congratulations! What month?", you asked.
"Eighth month is about to complete."
"Oh! Wow. And you came to Tromsø for vacation?", you asked.
"Yeah!", they nodded, nervously. "What about you?"
"Ah same! I came for honeymoon. Alright, see you too! Have a good day!", you smiled as well and walked out.
'Babe, do as I say!'- you thought and Seungcheol heard it and did as you said.

The two ladies immediately ran outside, looking distressed.


"They took lotta time?", Nayeon said.
"Eomma! Seungcheol uncle!", Yeonjun pointed.
The mothers almost choked on their food and looked at the direction.

Their jaws and sweat dropped upon seeing Seungcheol standing at the door, scrolling through his phone. He hadn't seen the ladies. The princesses came back to reality when Jeongyeon and Minju ran to them.
"Y'all- Y'all-"
"Shhh!", the ladies pulled the two and made them sit.
"Wh-What's wrong?", Jeongyeon asked. Seungwan pointed towards the door.
And the latters had the same shocked expression.
"We-We saw Yn.", Jeongyeon said. And the formers stared at her.
"What?!", Momo questioned.
"Y-Yes! We even talked to her... sh-she said she's on honeymoon... But what the fuck is oppa doing here?!", Minju said.
"I-Is that Yn unnie?", Chaewon asked. You were walking towards the door.
"Oh fuck- what if they collide with eachother?", Seungwan gulped.

"Oh no no no no... they shouldn't meet- oh no-", they were in dilemma.
Firstly vampires and witches don't get along really well. Plus the strongests one of both the species crashing with eachother could cause a disaster.
The vampire princesses literally covered the eyes of their kids while Jeongyeon clutched her babybump.

And Seungcheol looked at you, he stared for a while with curiosity and raised eyebrows and you looked at him with a frown.
The vampire princesses started praying at that point because both of you were acting like stangers. Seungcheol stepped forward and they almost screamed. But then-
"Why?", you asked.
"I'm sorry, I thought Aphrodite walked to me.", Seungcheol asked.
"YAAH!", you hit his shoulder making him laugh and blushed madly. "Why are you being a rizzler nowadays?!", you questioned, wheezing.
"So I can see my beautiful wifey smile this way~", he said.
"Uh! Cheesy, Hephaestus!", you replied.
"Who is that?!", Seungcheol asked.
"Aphrodite's husband."
You grabbed his hand and both of you walked out leaving the vampire princesses dumbstruck. You turned back at them and gave a known smile. Seungcheol was about to turn back as well but you rotated his head infront.

"Oh?", the vampire princesses tried to digest whatever happened.
"Did you see the way she looked at us?", Nayeon asked.
"She knows... but hasn't let oppa know yet.", Momo said.
"Yo! Fuck all that! So the one she came to honeymoon is Seungcheol oppa?!", Chaewon questioned.
"Did you see how he flirted with her?! Called her Aphrodite, wifey- she called her rizzler, Hephaestus-", Seungwan said.
"So you mean... you mean... we got lost for nothing?!", Minju questioned.
"Exactly! When the rulers of vampires and witches are together- mates- then- why the heck did we- UGH! What the hell-", Chaeyoung almost hit her head on the wall.
"Oh my god... we need to inform the guys.", Nayeon said. "Babies, finish fast, please!"
"But eomma... weren't they... Yn aunty and Seungcheol uncle about who you and appas always talk?", Yunsoo asked.
"Yeah, little heart! We need to talk to appas... eat quick, hm? Don't choke tho!", Seungwan said.

 eat quick, hm? Don't choke tho!", Seungwan said

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They were shocked.
Meanwhile you and Seungcheol were standing just behind them, invisible, hearing everything. Both of you chuckled.

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