Chance Encounter

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You know, growing up, my dad would always say, "All good things must come to an end." Whenever I found myself upset about even the smallest things, he would gently remind me of the beauty of endings. He'd explain that when something comes to a close, it creates space for new beginnings, fresh starts, and exciting opportunities. It's like turning the page of a book and discovering a whole new chapter waiting to be written. So, even though goodbyes can be bittersweet, they also hold the promise of something wonderful just around the corner. He was a good man, my father... the best, really. But he's gone now, and I've learned to live with that.

Starting fresh can be quite challenging. It's not always easy to find the motivation to embrace new beginnings. I can totally relate to that feeling of not wanting to wake up and face the day when there's so much change ahead. My alarm goes off and I let out a groan of annoyance, desperately wishing for just ten more minutes of sleep. But here's the thing, time has a sneaky way of slipping away when we least expect it. I closed my eyes for what felt like a second, and when I reopened them, nearly an hour had passed.

That sudden realization jolted me into action. I sprung up out of bed, my heart racing, and made a beeline for the shower. Today was a big day for me—it was my first day at college. It's something my dad always dreamed of seeing me achieve. While a part of me feels guilty about leaving my mom behind, she insists that I pursue this opportunity. She believes it's what my dad would have wanted for me, and deep down, I know she's right. This is a chance for me to honor his memory and create a future for myself.

I knew the importance of finding the right outfit for your first day. It's not just about the clothes, it's about expressing who you are and what you stand for. I scatter clothes across the floor until I discover the perfect one. In a rush, I change into a knee-length pencil skirt and a button-up shirt that might be a size or two too small, but I'll make it work somehow. Ever since my mom fell ill, we've been barely getting by. I take one last look in the mirror before grabbing my bag and heading down the stairs.

"Juliet? No breakfast this morning?" My mom asks as she watches me rush down the hall.
I do a 180 and head back towards her, letting out a sigh. I quickly grab a slice of toast from the dining room table and take a bite.
"I'm gonna be late, I accidentally overslept. It's a big day and-" I start rambling, but my mom interrupts me.
"Juliet, take a breath. You'll be totally fine. The bus isn't for another..." She checks her watch and then looks back at me. "On second thought... go. Get out the door."
Well, that wasn't much help. I let out a laugh, finishing my toast as I walk around the table to give her a kiss on the cheek.
"Bye, mom. I'll see you later," I tell her before finally leaving the house.

I thought I was late, but turns out the bus was too. When it finally showed up, I hopped right on and sat next to my best friend, Bella.
"Juliet... why do you look like you're going to a business meeting?" she asked, judging me with her eyes.
"Oh, come on, it's not that bad," I replied, but her eyes told me otherwise.
"Really?" I pouted.
Bella was dressed more like she was going to a club than college. Short skirt and a belly top... but I kept that to myself.
"We actually made it to college... real college," Bella said, whilst blinked slowly, as if it was the impossible.
Well, maybe it seemed that way for her. I love Bella with all my heart, but everyone knows she's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Finally, the bus came to a stop and the doors opened.
"Oh my god, we're doing this. We're really doing this," Bella exclaimed with excitement as she gathered her things.
I stood up and shook my head.
"I hope you brought a spare change of clothes. I'm scared you're gonna piss yourself in excitement," I teased as we stepped off the bus.

There it was, right in front of me—St. Paul's College. The very same college my dad attended all those years ago. Let me tell you, it was absolutely breathtaking. Not your run-of-the-mill college, that's for sure. St. Paul's had an air of grandeur and beauty that you wouldn't expect from just any old college. It had this aura of exclusivity. You had to either be smart to get in or have some serious cash to buy your way in. So, any guesses as to which category our dear Bella falls into?

As I stood there, my eyes were glued to the magnificent sight before me. The architecture, the sprawling campus, it was like something out of a movie. I was so lost in my admiration that I didn't even notice someone standing behind me until it was too late. Our shoulders collided with a jolt, causing me to spin around in surprise. Who knew a chance encounter could be so unexpected?

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, my eyes meeting the figure in front of me.
But my remorse quickly faded as I caught sight of the disgusted expression on his face. It was like I had committed some heinous crime against his entire family or something. Sure, he was good-looking, but that look in his eyes made him instantly less appealing. He didn't say a word, but his piercing gaze spoke volumes. It was enough to make me stumble backward, pulling Bella along with me, desperate to escape whatever had just transpired.

"Let's keep walking, Bella. Don't even look back," I whispered, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment.
But of course, Bella being Bella, she just had to look back.
"HEY, watch where you're going next time!" she yelled back at him.
I grabbed her arm firmly, trying to drag her away.
"Bella, I swear, we're not getting into any fights this year, okay?" I pleaded with her.
She seemed annoyed, but she nodded subtly.
"Okay, fine... but I can't make any promises," she warned, and while it wasn't ideal, it was good enough for me.

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