chapter 1

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          Harry was walking the corridor under his invisibility cloak. He was thinking about introducing the real Harry Potter to everyone. You see Harry was smart, he just had to dumb himself down because the Dursley's didn't want him doing better than their precious Dudley. Then he had to deal with Granger and Weasley who both got jealous if he did better than them.

   As Harry rounded the corner a small figure crashed into him knocking the cloak off of Harry.

   "I'm sorry please don't curse me!" The figure said hurriedly clearly scared.

  "Hey hey slow down, it's ok I'm not going to curse you." Harry said as he slowly got up. "What are you doing out of bed kid?" Harry asked softly.

   "I had de-detention wi-with umbridge and-" the kid said before opening and closing his mouth silently.

Harry's anger flared. "Can you show me your hand? And your name?"

The young Slytherin slipped his hand into Harry's as he winced. "My n-name i-is N-Nigel Z-Zabini"

"Do you have any siblings Nigel?" Harry asked as he looked over Nigel's hand. He knew the kid had a brother he was in Harry's year but he was in Slytherin.

"Y-yeah I h-have an older brother he ju-just entered fi-fith year an-and I have a lit-little sister na-named R-Regina. Sh-she's only s-six" Nigel smiled slightly when he mentioned his siblings.

  "Do you want me to walk you back to your common room" Harry asked as he let go of the younger's hand

    "Yes please" was the answer Harry got before Nigel yawned.

  "If you get too tired I'll carry you" Harry said as they left the corridor. Harry's own detention forgotten.

They got half way to the dungeons before Harry picked Nigel up. Harry wrapped the boy's arms around his neck with the boy's legs around his waist. He put a hand on the boy's back and the other on his neck.

  Humming softly Harry carried Nigel to the Slytherin common room.

"Let me in Slytherin" Harry said in parseltongue as he stood at the door.

  "Of course little one" Salazar Slytherin said as the portrait opened and Harry stepped through after casting a shield around himself and Nigel.

  As expected harry needed the shield because there were curses shouted throughout the common room.

"Are you done yet" Harry asked. His voice calm and his shield stable.

"Why are you here Potter?" Montague asked having put his book down.

  "I am returning one of your first years, heir Montague. If I'm correct he is heir Zabini's younger brother" Harry said knowing he shocked them.

  Someone who looked like the kid in Harry's arms stepped forward.

  "Potter if you hurt a hair on my brother's head I'm going to curse you into next week" He said as he stepped closer to Harry and Nigel. Harry gently handed Nigel to Blaise.

  "I swear by my magic I did not hurt Nigel Zabini in any way,shape,or form. So mote it be." Harry said before taking his wand out. "Lumos" his wand tip lit up before Harry said "nox"

"Very well" Blaise said before walking back to the couch he was sitting on, laying his brother down gently.

   "That doesn't explain how you got in here Potter." Warrington said as most of the fifth year Slytherins paled. "Or why you're still here"

"That heir Warrington, would be because of a certain gift I possess." Harry stated before casting Marcus Flint a look, "though why I am still here is because I would like to have a word with the Slytherin prefects and heir Flint. Preferably alone and without eavesdroppers."

   "What makes you think they are-" Pucey said before he got cut off.

"If they do not wish to speak tonight they have two days before I request a meeting with them from your head of house. " Harry said as he walked to the portrait, "Before I leave heir Zabini your brother has your beautiful completion it would be a shame if it were scarred and Marcus congratulations I know you'll do great."

"Thank you Harry" came the reply from the older boy.

Harry left the Slytherin common room to go find the room of requirements as soon as he saw Zabini's face lite with fury.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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