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Rewriting this, sigh.



✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

She tirelessly shifts and move around her bed uncomfortably, desperately trying to find a suitable position for her to sleep. But of course, to no surprise for her she just gave up.

'What time is it..?'

She raised her head to her side with a fatigued expression and tries her best to focus her eyes at the clock.

6:09 (hehehe)

"Damn..." She muttered under her breath, plopping her head back to the pillow with an exahust sigh. 'Only two hours of sleep...' She sighs again as there was no improvement with her sleeping schedule for almost a year now.

Running a hand through her hair with a frustrated grunt, gripping her [COLORED] bangs tightly as she felt the headache slowly coming in. Stifling a groan from coming out of her mouth as her ears perked hearing her bedroom door open.

It was Ava. She was looking quite concerned for her friend. "[NAME]? You okay there?" Ava asks, frowning as she sees her gesture, gripping her own bangs as a sign of her headache. Ava knew this a long time ago.

"Sorry, [NAME] but your headache pills seem to have run out! I'll buy another pack, don't worry." Ava reassures [NAME] which earned a sigh of relief from the pained girl.

"That's fine... I'll just take the syrup for now." Ava smiles softly at her in response. "Did Lolerei called you? Cause she kinda did called me earlier but I didn't respond." Bringing up the topic of Ava's or their dear 'friend' lolerei seem to bring her mood down.

"Ugh... Seriously? So you were awake! Ugh. She said you didn't picked up because she thought you were asleep!" Ava crosses her arms in a rather irritated manner. "I'm not sure to take it as a compliment that you'd think I would be asleep at 6 am."

[NAME] blankly replied as she returned to stare at the ceiling. As the two continue to banter for a little, Ava's phone alarm rings.


"OH NO! BYE [NAME]! I'M ALMOST GONNA BE LATE!" [NAME] winced at how loud she was, her ears flicking as she clicks her tongue in annoyance. She knows it wasn't her intention to yell and she's just really forgetful sometimes...

"Oh and [NAME]! I'll be taking the trash out so stay in bed!! And I'll be sure to buy your favourite spicy ramen too!"

Ava's yell was muffled thankfully to her bedroom door being closed. Hearing the front apartment door open and closed then followed by a click, locking the door.

[NAME] let out a tired sigh, letting her arm cover her eyes for a bit as she rests. Though as obvious it seems [NAME] obviously struggles with her sleep. Well, I mean who hasn't? At least it happened to all of us once in a lifetime.

[NAME]'s job was a regular bartender and working nightshift which where the time it was usually active much to her dismay, but she also didn't really much have a choice... She's active at night even if that isn't very obvious to others.

Despite Ava's protest to take a different job or at least try and ask for a break from her boss, she just ignored it which usually makes Ava forcing her to sleep early. Well- sure, [NAME] was getting where her close or best friend was getting at and not exactly great to do that since it basically destroys your health but... She's still alive and... Well?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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