Living in red, or trying to anyway. Forcing yourself to believe you're confident, you're all set. You're finally in a "good" place. You left the sadness behind. Or is that what you make yourself believe? To try and ease the suffering. To try and deny the truth. Don't avoid the truth. Deep down, you're blue. No matter how hard you try to distract yourself. With noise, fuss, temporary pleasure, friends, shows, characters.. at the end of the day, it's just blue inside you. You're destroyed. You try and hide those broken pieces inside of you. But at the end of the day, broken glass will break and splatter everywhere. And cut you, little by little. Seems small but isn't. Seems like a wound you can just ignore, except it's multiple wounds. All these little cuts and knicks, build up this sadness in you. This pain. This suffering. You cannot escape. Why lie to yourself? And you were 'born blue'. You always been and always will.
Stay Strong,
Sad Stranger
PoetryThe feeling of trying to be something bigger than your sadness, but at the end of the day you are still blue. - Sad Stranger