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Third person pov

Taehyung ran inside the Jeon enterprises like a mad man. He didn't bulge for any of the warnings or yelling of the staffs who tried to stop him. Taehyung directly ran inside jimin's cabin only to meet with a empty one, disappointment evident in his face. He came out and called a staff who was walking pass by with some files.

"Excuse me? Do you know where is Mr. Jimin?" He asked hurriedly

"You mean our boss Mr. Jeon Jimin?" The staff asked for confirmation. Taehyung nodded quickly.

"He is in the meeting room with our ceo Mr. Jeon" once the staff answered, taehyung ran off from there to the meeting room. Actually he know all the places in the Jeon company as jungkook once toured him around.

Meanwhile in the meeting room it's only jungkook and jimin with their secretary and few assistances. They were discussing about the upcoming launch of the new design, jimin's first design.

Suddenly the room door forced opened revealing panting taehyung. When taehyung saw jimin, he didn't waste the time and he ran towards him. Before jimin could process anything he was pulled into a bone crushing tight hug by taehyung. Shocked would be a understatement for him.

On the other hand jungkook stood up from his seat abruptly in shock He couldn't watch the scene infront of him. Taehyung is hugging jimin very tightly, literally tight.

"Tae what happened?" Jimin asked hesitantly and tried to push taehyung as its becoming hard for him to breath. When taehyung realised it he immediately pulled out but didn't move back.

Jimin got worried when he noticed his teary eyes.

"Tae what happened, why your eyes are teary?"


"Yes tae"

"Jimin I love you"

Finally he said those three magical words to his most desired omega to whom he had given his heart a long ago. After the years of suffers, pains, struggles and tears he finally said those words. 

Jimin felt like a thunderbolt hit him, he was completely paralysed.

By the same time Yoongi barged inside the room.

"Jimin, I'm sorry, I was a stupid alpha who don't even know his lover's feelings. Yes jimin, I love you, this love is not something which bloomed now. But the moment when I saw you for the first time in the high school. I loved you, I still do but I was a coward who was afraid of confessing his love. It's not like I fear you but I feared your rejection which kept me from confessing my love for you. Finally one day I mustered up all my courage and planned to confess my love and it was the same day when you confessed to me that you are getting married. And that's the day when I locked all feelings and burried it deep inside my heart. But this stupid heart didn't stop from loving you even if it is from afar.  But see the destiny, when you were near me I couldn't confess my love. But when I finally confessed my love you are still near me yet so far. Look jimin I love you so much to the moon and back, I have gone through so much pain and depression still I do, only your answer will put an end to it all. Tell me jimin, tell me....do you love me?"  Taehyung poured his heart out and asked with all sincerity without breaking the eye contact with the omega.

The room fell into silence

Jungkook's eyes widened, his heart started to beat very faster. A unknown fear started to creep inside him. He don't know why but he can't see them together. Yes he knew taehyung loved jimin because taehyung once told him about his feelings for the omega but that time he wasn't even affected a bit. But now he can't help but fume with anger. At the same time he waited for jimin's answer while holding his breath praying to all gods and goddesses.

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