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At office namjoon didn't focus on his work cause y/n's thoughts roaming on his head

"Aish the girl is something i can't wait to make her mine"

After work namjoon wait for y/n outside her college and after sometime later y/n come out from the college while running and jumping namjoon saw that and smile a bit when y/n saw namjoon she stop jumping and lowered her head and walk toward him

"Can we go princess?"

Hear this nickname y/n feel so happy and nodded and namjoon open the door for her and y/n get inside the car and seat and namjoon seat beside y/n and held her waist to take close to him

"Y/n do you feel uncomfortable when i touch you"

y/n lowered her head and said


Days passed they meet everyday and y/n fall for namjoon she like when namjoon care for her and always be protective

On call

"Baby I'm out of your house come fast"

"Joon why you so fast at lest let me wear my makeup"

"Baby you don't need to wear make up you look so fuc*ing sexy without makeup"

"Aish joon shut up don't use bad word"

"Infront of my wife i don't need"

"Okay wait I'm come"

After waiting like 5 min she come out from her house and get inside the car when namjoon saw her he bite his lower lip and pull him closer to him by waist

"Fu*k baby i want to fu*k you right now"

"Then do baby"

"I don't want ruined our first time baby"

y/n smile and kissed namjoon's cheek namjoon take her and make her seat on his lap

"Baby why you so sexy i can't wait anymore let's get married soon"

"Who stop you let's married"

Time skip 1 week later namjoon and y/n's wedding ceremony they both accept each other husband and wife after ceremony namjoon and y/n say goodbye to everyone and they get in the car namjoon was driving and y/n was seating beside him

"Joon where we going this is not your home way"

"Patients princess"

Said while rest his one hand on her thigh and caressed slowly after drive like half and hour they reach there place and namjoon blind fold her

"Joon why you blind fold me"

"Shhh just come with me"

Namjoon take her inside the mansion and open her blind fold and y/n also open her eyes and saw a big beautiful mansion she was lost to admire the mansion then she feel namjoon's hand around her waist

"How was the mansion my princess?"

"So beautiful"

"Not more then you"

Then namjoon take her to the bedroom and make her seat on the bed and seat beside her and starting to kiss her roughly and bite her lower lip so y/n open her mouth and namjoon put his tongue inside her mouth and explore the every side of her mouth they both getting crazy while kissing after sometime later they broke the kiss and namjoon looked at y/n's eyes

"Princess you are so beautiful"

"Thanks joon"

"Baby no joon call me daddy"


"Yes and listen i have some rules and you have follow it if you don't then i will punished you"

"Okay daddy"

"Okay so the first one you have to call me daddy not any other name but only infront of me"

"Second when you with me you can't wear anything not a single cloth on your body"

"Third i will fu*k you whenever i want and if you stop me then the punishment will worst"

"And rules number four i can su*ck your pu*ssy whenever i want"

"Okay any other rule daddy"

"Enough for now i will tell you the others later"

To be continue.....

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