Chapter I - A Brand New Day

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The Dancing Banana (let's refer to him as DB) wakes up for the day at 6:00 AM sharp. He doesn't like waking up so early, but he's got a gameshow to host and hecklers to shoot down. He puts on his orange bowtie, "ooh, i look so classy!!" and steps out of his apartment. He likes to wake up this early, as usually, no fruits or vegetables are awake, so he doesn't get swarmed. He hops in his new carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... and heads to his sisters house to pick up his three nephews. 


"Hello?" DB's brother-in-law, Roy, answers the door.

"Oh, uh, hey Roy!" exclaims DB. "Where's Plannie at?" (Plannie is short for Plantain, DB's sister.)

"She's just feeling under the weather, she's laying down on the couch if you wanna say Hi."

"Oh, uhm sure!"

DB walks inside the house and smells that sweet scent of bananas. It's really all he smells anyways. ("Wait, he can smell?" "Shut up, Announcer.")

He sees his sister lying on the couch, binge-watching the Kardashians. "Hi, DB! The nephews are probably upstairs playing. I'd give you a hug but I don't want to get off this couch right now. Heheh." 

Plannie always has this giggle when she cracks herself up. Classic.

DB heads upstairs and the Nephews are in their rooms playing on the VR. Oldest Nephew is messing around on Job Simulator, abusing the bot again while Peel and Middle Nephew are laughing while watching him play.

"Hey guys, ready for another screening?" "Yay, Uncle! Yes, yes, yes!" shout the "Three Musketeers of Educational Quiz Shows", as Db likes to call them. 

DB says bye to Roy and Plannie and heads to the Studio.

At the same time, Williams Pear gets ready for the day. He lives in a sizable apartment by himself. But that doesn't mean he don't got friends.

Speaking of which, one of his friends is knocking on the door right now. 


"Sorry. You know, you should start going to sleep earlier, it's better for your health." 

"I really don't care, dude. Gimme a sec."

Pear styles his leaf with his can of "Fruity® Leaf Mousse. "We make you smell and be fruity! What's so funny?"

He rushes downstairs. He wants to see the new movie "Fruits vs. Zombies: Juicer Mayhem" to review and post online. He makes a decent chunk of money making reviews on movies and TV shows. Chocolate (Choc for short), doesn't really care about reviewing. He just likes to watch movies because Pear always pays for tickets. 

"Ready to squeeze the day, Pear?" "That was a berry bad pun." The two laugh as they head out to Choc's car. It's shaped like a Kit-Kat. Isn't that nice?

As they head out, Pear lounges in the passenger seat while Pear Malone plays on the radio. Pear is half-asleep. He went out the door so fast, he forgot his coffee!

"Do you mind if we stop at like Starfruit on the way there? I forgot to brew a drink." "Sure, man."

They stop at Starfruit and Pear just gets an iced latte. Choc gets a cake pop. Choc's not really into coffee. 

Pear walks out to the movie theater when a poster catches his eye. "Shovelware's Brain Game - The Trivia Show for All Ages!" He looks over to Choc and nudges him. "Hey, maybe we could see that? Would be good for my review channel." Choc says, "Looks new. Sure, we can go see it. Looks like you'd have to miss the movie though. It is premiere day after all."

Pear thinks for a second. Would a gameshow really be more important than a movie he's been dying to see? That's when he sees that banana smiling on the poster. It makes him feel some way that he hasn't felt in a while. Choc waves his hand infront of Pear's face to make sure he's alive. "Hellooo?? Earth to Pear." "Huh?" says Pear. "Oh uh, yeah, let's go see it."

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