There is no such thing as true there? (Seungchan)

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( Main Story: Seungmin is a high school student in a school called SKZOO HIGHSCHOOL, he are a senior there and he really likes it But struggles with most of his courses (Mostly math) and it has been going on for months and anytime he asks someone ...

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( Main Story: Seungmin is a high school student in a school called SKZOO HIGHSCHOOL, he are a senior there and he really likes it But struggles with most of his courses (Mostly math) and it has been going on for months and anytime he asks someone for help they either don't help him enough or he just don't understand it at all.

Until he see this handsome, tall, Good-Looking Korean guy who has blonde hair, one dimple, and moon-curved eyes. he was instantly drawn to him but he cant tell him that because he was his tutor and he were scared he might lose him and never see him again. Seungmin has gotten to know him a little better and every time when him session with him ends Seungmin goes outside to a field of dandelions and picks one up and wishes upon it and wishes he would be he and blew on it. he never knew seungmin did this until one session he stayed after school a bit longer and spotted him outside and went downstairs and went behind him and smiled)!

"Seungmin?" Says Chan

Seungmin turned around and blushed so much: "oh h-hey chan"

"Hey. I saw you come out here and I didn't think you'd want to be alone" Chan smiles (he has a pretty little smile). "I also saw you picked up a dandelion and you blew on it, what did you wish for?" He tilts his head

Seungmin looked away "um....nothing"

Chan leans over him, he's much taller then him, and he bends down. "Come on, tell me what you wished for. Was it a secret admirer?, or a boyfriend?" he smiles teasing him.

Seungmin blushed turned bright pink and tried covering it but it was really obvious "i-i can' wont like it"

Chan smiled a little more, "Hm? Oh? Is it something you don't want me to know?" He giggles a bit. "Its okay you can trust me" he bends down a little bit more to reach his ears, "I wont tell a soul"

Seungmin's eyes widen as Chan leaned into his ear making him blush more "i-i"

Chan giggles a little more, his tone is a bit more playful, "Is it a secret? You look a bit shy. Its okay you can tell me" he whispers, He puts his hands on Seungmin's shoulder

Seungmin was very flustered at this point and couldn't hold back his feelings no longer, he wanted, no need to tell him. he sighed and looked at him "I.........l-like you...."



Chan looked at him with wide eyes and a bright red face, he blinks and he feels as if he heard him wrong. Did he really just say that-? He blushes a little but smiles a bit, "So you have feelings for me? And your the one who blows on those dandelions and wish-?" he says it so softly his ears turn red. "Wait- so all these times I helped you in study sessions. You liked me the entire time?" he was stunned but a little confused as well

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