Chapter 25: eNVy Vs aMyoU (N and V VS M and U)

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Authors note: I'm just going to say thank you guys for 1.1k reads and why the title is eNVy vs aMyoU because there are two OC's in this chapter, Serial designation M and Serial Designation U, M is N's older brother and U is V's older sister. basically, this is N and V vs M and U. A huge sibling battle, this is going to be interesting. Back to the story.


Me and V all running all over the place trying to fine M and U.

N: M, it me N, your little brother.

V: U, U...where are you? it's me, V... your little sister.

We both run in like random directions for like 15 minutes until we hear eating sounds but not just any eating sounds, MESSY EATING, us Disassembly Drones eat messily so we run to the sounds of munching and it's in one of the apartments. V kicks open the door and we enter to see M and U eating two dead corpses'.

M: Who could just leave Worker Drones uneaten?

V: I did!

U: Ah V, long time no see.

V: Hey emo Drone.

U: Grr, BITE ME!

N:(whispers) You were right, your sister is like Uzi.

M: Whatever N, let us eat.

N: We came to tell you to stop and come with us!

U: WHAT, HA, you two, stop us! don't make me laugh.

M: You two are just armatures.

V: Your calling me an armature?

M: Yep-


I quickly grab V and say.

N: Easy, they are stronger then us, no doubt but if we do this as a team, like the two of us, we can beat them.

M: So... you wanna fight.

V: Yes.

U: Alright, if we win, you leave us be and if you two win, we'll stop and come with you.

V: Deal.

M: Your funeral.

Third Person POV

M and U threw the table they were just on at N and V but they slide to the side to dodge. (Oh and this fight takes place in Doll's house)

They quickly get up and V starts shooting them with her rifle but they use their blades to block the bullets and even send some back but N and V just dodge.

N: V, were going to need a plan-

V: Just follow me N.

N: Uh... okay.

N then pulls out his blades and flies at M but M uses his blades to block N's attack and the two just keep slashing each other and even get hit while V was grabbing vases and throwing them at U which he just uses her Blade to slice them in pieces and then she shoot a missile at V but she kick it back with her peg-leg.

V's mind: I always used my weapons in battle but U knows my tactics and moves with my weapons since she's my sister, but maybe if I use my peg-legs only, that will throw her off because she doesn't see me fight with my legs and I'm pretty agile.

V then jumped in front of U with hands on her hips and she kicked U in the stomach. U got up and started slashing her with her claws but V blocks the attack with her wings and keeps on trying to kick her. She then jumps into the air ready to smash her with her peg-leg and she hits her in the head with her leg which caused U to get a few error messages on her visor but they disappear and U keeps going.

(DISCONTINUED) Murder drones but J never existedWhere stories live. Discover now