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( fear street 1994 )
act one

   "WHERE ARE YOU GOING, YOU PUSSIES?!" One of the football players yelled at the bus. Deena stood up to grab the cooler, getting disapproving looks from Kate, Addi, Mateo and Kaylie.

Simon partially pulled down his pants and pressed his butt against the window. "Sunnyvale SUCKS!" He smiled widely.

"What an idiot." Mateo said nonchalantly, while shaking his head. Simon pulled his pants back up and snickered.

Deena grabbed the cooler, "Open the door! Open the door!" Kate opened the door. Her and Deena began to get into position to dump the cooler of ice onto the car to get them to turn back.

"This is fucking crazy." Addi ran her hands through her hair. "This is fucking insane."

"Deena, stop!" Kaylie protested. "Deena! Fuck!"She protested. Deena looked back at Kaylie, "Kay, shut up!" She looked back at the car.

"Your nose!" Kate noticed Deena's bleeding nose, along with Addi and Mateo, but Deena was too wrapped up in her business to acknowledge them talking about her nose bleeding.

"DEENA, FUCKING STOP!" She shouted, making Deena look up and drop the cooler onto the car. The car swerved to the side and went offroad, crashing.

"STOP! STOP THE BUS!" Deena pleaded. Deena ran off the bus to the car, leaving the other 5 on the bus.

"Shit." Kaylie groaned.

"Come on." Addi dragged Mateo down off the bus to catch up with Deena. Kate and Simon did the same.

"Oh shit!" Simon exhaled, holding the 'sh' as he knelt down next to Sam.

"OK, we should not be down here." Kate advised.

"Yeah, and neither should they. We need to help them." Addi acknowledged Kate's concern. She looked at Sam, then the car. "Er.. at least Sam. Someone else can help those two." Addi looked back at the group and wiped her nose; Hers was bleeding too?

And right then, Sam puked blood up onto Simon's shirt.

"Oh! OH! What the fu..?" Simon stood up quickly.

"Oh my god." Addi covered her mouth in disgust. "That's fucking gross."

"Ew.." Mateo stared at Sam, "Gross, dude." He turned his head to Addi. "Now it's on my shoe!"


        SOON, SHERIFF GOODE arrived and was at the scene with a few other cops. He began questioning everyone that wasn't in the ambulance. So, everyone but Sam.

"Look at him." Mateo grimaced, looking at Sheriff Goode as he was questioning Deena. Addi, Simon and Kate looked over at where Teo was staring off at.

"He's so.."

"Dude, quit fantasizing over Goode." Simon shook his head and gagged, "That's fucking nasty." Kate giggled at Simon's stupidity, as did Addi.

"I'm not! Dude." Mateo defended himself, holding his hands up, "I'm just saying he's.. Eugh. I hate him. I can't find my words."

"Fuck Goode." Addi glared at Sheriff Goode.

"Yeah. FUCK GOODE." Mateo said, way too loudly.

"Excuse me?" Goode looked over at the group.

"Nothing!!" They all said in harmony, then he turned back to Deena.

"I don't know.. I guess.." Deena began, followed by Kate. "Sometimes accidents just happen."

"We lost control, sir." Peter lied.

"Suck it, pig." Simon spat out with no shame, worrying the group that they'd get in trouble. Addi them followed behind him.

"They were probably drunk driving. I suggest you check that out, sir." Addi smiled pettily. Goode just wrote it down mindlessly.

"Fuck Goode!" Mateo repeated his now favorite line to ever say with a toddler like smile.

"It was just an accident." Deena finished.

"Alright. Well if you do think of anything," Goode wrote down his cell for Deena. "Give me a call."

"Ew, what a creep." Mateo watched with a disgusted look.

"And you wonder why you're his least favorite Shadysider, Teo." Kate shoved him into Simon, making the two fall over.


sort of a short chapter!

i hope you're enjoying this story if you're reading <3

word count.

[on hold] 𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔, fear streetWhere stories live. Discover now