fucking shit mom

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well where on our way to me and nellas house and im still sexually frustrated about not being able to have jacky but who the fuck knows how its gonna work we might just be fuck buddies the whole tour so i have nothing to worry about



ewwwwwwwwwwwww why are they so loud there in the back room where the bunks are and were all up here and i can here them i looked around to see what the guys reactions were Derek looked like he was gonna piss himself laughing jacky was just looking at me agian with the lust in his eyes and ron OMG HE WAS HARD GROSSSSS ronnie was just staring at him with disgust ...wow

"WERE HERE!!!! " the bus driver yells thank god i cant take it anymore with the loud sex its just terrible i got up and walked to the back doors right when ryan was finishing EW


"gah ok we will meet you out there"he said with a husky gross nasty sex covered voice i just walked away and out the tour bus door to the gold gated typed in the gate code and wakled like 5 minites to get to me and antonellas house i decided to hit up antonellas house first sense her parents don't know English very well

"  hey lorena uh yo y antonella se va de gira con la banda que nos fuimos a ir a ver .. que les habló de nuestra banda y nos dijeron que debería ser el acto de apertura también lo eran para conseguir sus cosas"

"ok, así que se me danny y su papá necesita hablar con ella acerca de esto la banda y los chicos de su papá no estará contento con eso"

"ma im here im aquí dónde está papá" she said to her mom "well im just gonna go pack your stuff" about an hour later all her stuff was packed and her dad was waiting by the door talking to .....OMFG RYAN HES TALKING TO RYAN IN SPANISH BECAUSE HE THINKS HES BROWN OH GOD THATS HILARIOUS

"Antonio he doesn't speak Spanish" i told him 

"oh si si i understand"

now on my way to my house to get my shit here we go...

TIME LAPSE 15 minuets into the future

me and jacky were walking into my house so we could get my stuff when i opeanded the door i was shocked and grossed out at the same time jacky covered my eyes with his hands but not fast enough so i still saw what was going on in my living room on my couch

"FUCKING SHIT MOM" i yelled at her she was fucking another guy but in the living room i ran up stairs to my room and packed all my shit jacky helped me Cary it to the bus and saw my little sister at the door with tears in her eyes

"i love you lilly don't ever forget that i will be back soon ok i love you call me every day"

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