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2nd September 1993

REST of Y/N's day — apart from Potions they shared with Slytherins — was quite calm. Her Gryffindor friends managed to stop her panicking and reassured her they'll do everything to help her catch up those four years.

When they entered in the Great Hall for a lunch, Y/H/C haired girl noticed gloomy faces on her third year friends. She led the group of the older students to empty seats next to them, determined to know what happened.

"What's up with the faces?" Y/N asked as they all sat down, choosing place right next to Hermione.

"We had Divination and Harry had a dog in his teacup. Trelawney said it was a Grim; the omen of death. However McGonagall said it's like this every year, but Ron is still freaked out," explained Hermione as she slowly ate her Shepherd's pie.

"Well don't worry Harry, Katie was supposed to die last year too and she's very much alive," reassured Angelina as she put chicken to hers and Y/N's plates. Y/E/C eyed girl thanked her friend, putting some steamed vegetables as side dish also to both of them. „As Angie says, I don't think you'll die Harry, or at least you won't die because of some lost dog. Divination is really woolly object, or as my mum says -- it's a big ball of nonsense if you don't posses the gift."

Harry seemed to let out a deep breath he was holding all the time. He put up corners of his mouth in grateful manner, his emerald green eyes pinned to the two older girls. Feeling much better, he began to eat his food again. On the other hand Ron got red as his hair, angered by the girls's statement.

"But our uncle died because of the Grim!" he huffed out, banging his chicken leg back to the golden plate. "I bet you have aura as bad as Hermione, so you don't understand the subject!" he said, his eyes killing the three girls before him. Everybody was taken a little aback by his outburst, even his older brothers.

"Listen, Ronniekins -" started George but he was interupted by the new girl of the group. "Ron, nobody said anything about your uncle. We are talking about Harry and some leaves in his tea. Nobody indicated your uncle couldn't die because of it, but we are trying to reassure our friend he's safe at Hogwarts. Maybe you should calm down too, you are stressing the both of you and stress is not healthy."

Red haired boy flushed with embarrassment and with small "sorry" he went back to his chicken. Fred, who sat across Y/N, smirked and tilted himself closer to her, his golden eyes infusing with her delicate Y/E/C. "You are the one saying something about stress?" his soft lips tucking into smirk, making Y/N roll her eyes and kicking him into his left leg.

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