Chapter - 8

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Saying this she leaves from there and Sadhna also leaves from there...And Harshvardhan keeps grinding his teeth, unable to understand how to cover up the insult that happened to him recently.
Then Mohini says

Mohini : Even when you know how ill-mannered she is, you are still calling her... she has a habit of creating drama... even without her, a press conference can be held.

She speaks little loudly at Harshvardhan while waving her hands with slight anger.And Harshvardhan, who was already in a bad mood, also says irritably to her.

Harshvardhan : Yes because the press conference cannot be held without her. For the first time after Zain in the family someone is going to get married and that too my daughter. It is necessary for YN to be there....Because till now there is only one princess of Jaipur and that is only YN, and after that if there is anyone then it would be Preeti but Siya has not got any title yet.

Seeing him speaking like this, Mohini starts getting irritated because even though she is his wife, till date neither has she got the title of queen nor has her daughter got the title of princess and this thing hurts her deeply.

Mohini : Why can't Siya get the title of being a princess? , isn't she your daughter? Doesn't she have your blood in her veins?

Harshvardhan : YN is not a princess just because she has my blood in her veins, there are reasons for her being a princess which are far beyond your understanding..And if she is not present in the conference tomorrow, people will raise questions whether the unity of our family is breaking and this will bring defamation to our Rathore family. Do you understand and I will not be able to tolerate that.

Saying this, he goes away from there and Mohini closes her eyes tightly because she is angry but in this argument she forgets that the person with whom they are going to have a relationship is currently standing there.

Mohini : Look, all this happens in everyone's family, I hope you don't feel bad, but I will say the same to you all, keep some distance from that girl ,she is very rude.

Saying this, she goes away from there but she does not know what effect her statement will have on the Kim family. Mrs. Kim listens to this very attentively and then she looks at her elder son, who is an idol of kindness and innocence. It is not that she is against their love, it is just that she is worried about her son that he may fall into the hands of the wrong girl.

When he sees his mother in this condition he says while holding her hand.

Taehyung : I know you are worried about me... but this does not mean that we should judge her from only one aspect, She also has the right to express her point of view and I know that there must be some reason that's why understanding waman like her is behaving like this.

When she hears his thoughts Mrs. Kim look at him with a proud smile and stroke his head and say

Mrs Kim : What good deeds have I done to have a son like you. Sometimes I doubt that I have really brought you up.. You are truly great, truly great.

When he hears his praise, a smile appears on his face. He hugs his mother and caresses her forehead.Then he kisses her forehead and says

Taehyung : Don't worry, my trust says that the woman I have loved is the form of a goddess. She has many personalities and we have to accept that she is not an ordinary girl.

Mrs Kim: hmm

He very well takes his wife's side and makes her mother understand that no doubt or bad thoughts should arise in the minds of his family members towards the woman he loves.

 ✨MADE For❥ EACH OTHER ✨||KIM TAEHYUNG ff||Where stories live. Discover now