•Keeping a secret LAST PART•

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A/N: its not actually the last part this is the 2nd last part of the whole book

A/N: This was after the shopping

Trollex POV:

Everyone except Boom and Floyd wanted to discuss something and I was apart of it, I assured Boom and Floyd I would tell them what was happening. As we left to a private area where no one was, we all became serious so I did a serious face too! "Trollex, no need to make a serious face there buddy" Uncle Quincy chuckles, I laughed awkwardly before I putted down my serious face. "So, we all know theres something going on with Boom and Floyd correct?" Auntie starts off, every nods and agrees. I became more anxious the more they talked about it, "Trollex has been pretty weird lately too. Infact, it kinda seems like he knows something about this." Torrent my boyfriend/bodyguard states. I was basically sweating and my calm normal face became a nervous look, "Well thats absurd! Trollex would never hide something without telling me! He has nothing to do with Boom and Floyd, right Trolley?" exclaims Auntie. "Of course not! Haha...... why would you ever think of that?" I laughed awkwardly while slowly sliding down under the table anxiously.

"Rainbow fish, stop lieing! You and Floyd were being suspicious today at hot trollpic! (Hot topic) Not to mention, you guys wouldnt tell me anything or a single word about your conversation! And Floyd always tells me, you guys also spoke some gibberish language which you guys know I dont know!" Barb argues. "What did you say Barb?" Agressivly talking from John and Branch, "Branchifer no." Poppy's very mad but so was the rest of their brothers and Viva except John dory. "AND, BOOM WAS AVOIDING PAPA TRICK'S AND I'S QUESTIONS, HE ALWAYS ANSWERS THEM!" pouting Ablaze, "Please dont say that right now Blaze..." an embarassed Trickee says. "Ok everyone shush! We all know somethings wrong with those 2 boo hoo! I think we will get all our answers from Trollex! I know somethings up, Trollex was called very very early in the morning from Boom and Floyd so ME AND TORRENT KNOW, he KNOWS something so speak up Trollex!" Beat Shouts. "Trollex just tell us!" Auntie was annoyed by this. "Im sorry Auntie but I cant tell you. Ground me all you want but I swear I dont know anything!" I was so anxious, my axienty was kicking in as I started to get serious. Everyone started to argue abd shout so angrily about me knowing something, I knew I caused this but remembering the desperate look of Boom and Floyd made me know I couldnt fail now! "Well-" Poppy tries to say something but I cut her off, "No Queen Poppy, everyone stop FIGHTING. I dont know anything. And if I did I wouldnt even budge. To be honest, I dont care if you ground me or force me but do what you want because I KNOW NOTHING! OK!?"

I slammed the table and everyone backed up. My anxiety was kicking in because of the yelling. Now I really wished I didnt yell at them but for the sake of this prank this is way too serious now. I actually thought this was going to be funny but it wasn't anymore, they were pressuring me at this point. I knew how desperate the couple were, I couldnt fail them, their espression was so desperate and everyone kept fighting because of me so I just had to yell. Everyone flinched in shock and started to back away from me, even Beat and Torrent. "Ok bro that was way too far." Bruce states, "Why did you yell? Is this secret so secretive? That you had to raise your voice?..." a scared Trollzart said. I was shocked they werent even looking at me anymore not even Torrent my own boyfriend. "Are you guys scared of me..?" I flinched not even realizing Lava was on the floor, and it came from me?.. So many thoughts came through my head, did they hate me? Or worst, were they afraid of me?.. "I-I-IM SORRY!" I started to sob and my tears were burning water and ran away.

Even hearing the desperate yells of my name wasnt stopping me from running. I ran and ran as fast as I could, the water from my tears were filled of rage and sadness. I soon ran to Floyd and Boom with shock in both of their eyes, I spotted Floyd and hugged him tight. I couldnt let go.

Floyd POV:
Boom was flirting with me as casually, I was a blushing mess! We were laughing and talking but thats when we heard agressive sobbing getting louder and louder as it was like it was coming towards us. Boom and I looked around to see a sad Trollex with tears of hot boiling water, beofre I could react he hugged me tight not letting me go. So many thiughts came to my head wondering what happened until he spoke.  "I-I-I messed up! They (hic) a-are scared of m-me!" Ototo sobs. I look down at Ototo(Trollex) I kissed his forhead and rubbed his back whispering, "きっと大丈夫だよ... (Its going to be fine...), but I think you need to take a break from this prank. Its gone too far for you." I explain. Trollex sobs as he cries silently onto me, "ありがとう...  Onii.. (Thank you..)" I was suprised Trollex remembered how to say thank you. It took him weeks to say it correctly.

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