Chapter 56-60

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  Chapter 056

  Parents from all classes poured into the school, looking around in the bustling campus as the music on the radio played. Some of the talkative ones had already started chatting.

  "Which class is your child in?"

  "What a coincidence! Our two children are in the same class."

  "How many places did you take?"

  "Oh, it's all the child's own decision, we don't have time to take care of him..."


  Parents walked into the classroom and sat down according to their children's seats.

  Yuan Defa also sat in Yuan Dong's seat. As the first in the class, Yuan Dong naturally occupied the best position in the class.

  In the middle of the third row.

  Yuan Defa sat in the center with his hunched body, and he could sense the envious looks from those around him.

  He straightened his back unconsciously, and his breathing became a little rapid.

  The parents next to him started talking, their envy was hard to hide: "Your child is Yuandong, right? I just came in and saw the report card posted on the door. He ranked first. That's amazing."

  For the first time in his life, Yuan Defa received such a compliment that was neither joking nor malicious. For a moment, he didn't know how to respond.

  The parents on the other side also joined in: "It's really frustrating to compare yourself with others. Look at the top student, he doesn't care about food and clothing, but he can get such good scores. The one in my family is well fed and well fed, so I can bring him a red lantern back home."

  The other person also looked envious: "He scored over 80 in English, but my child only scored over 40."

  When the head teacher came in, the audience was already talking in a mess. Although Yuan Defa didn't talk much, he was the center of attention. Many parents leaned over to look at Yuandong's report card on Yuan Defa's desk, and they were very disappointed with their child after reading it.

  They were raised in the same ordinary way, and the parents' conditions didn't seem to be that good, so why are their children so promising?

  Yuan Defa was at a loss at the beginning, but later he gradually adapted. He would occasionally say "we didn't care", "the child learned by himself and didn't buy any materials", "he has been a good student since elementary school". After receiving the envy of others, Yuan Defa felt warm in his bones, as if he was placed in a hot bath, feeling the beauty of the steaming heat.

  The head teacher clapped his hands and said, "Dear parents, let's stop for a moment."

  The head teacher first talked about the overall situation of the class, and named several outstanding students, among whom Yuan Dong, who deserved the first place, was the most outstanding. Yuan Defa felt light-hearted as he listened to the head teacher asking everyone to take his son as an example. Then he focused on several problems in the class and asked parents to communicate with their children when they returned.

  The head teacher looked at his watch and said, "Okay, then let's let the father of the top student in the class come up to the stage and share his experience."

  Yuan Defa's face flushed, and when he stood up, everyone's eyes gathered on him, as if a beam of stage light was focused on him. Yuan Defa walked up to the podium with trembling legs.

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