there's no such thing as there? pt.2 (Seungchan)

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But little did they know...




. was all a dream.


Seungmin woke up in horror when he remembered he was dreaming, sadness filled him and he started throwing pillows and was very sad, he looked at the time and it was 7:30 he needed to go to school, he quickly got ready and headed out

Seungmin sat by his desk in his first class, listening to the teacher's monotonous rant and he couldn't help but think about Chan. The way his tall figure stood over him, his soft hands on his cheeks, even the sound of his voice saying, "I love you." He couldn't help but want to just...

He let out a heavy sigh, and the teacher called him out "Seungmin! Are you listening to my lecture or are your thoughts elsewhere?"

Seungmin quickly snapped out of it and payed attention to the lecture but couldn't help thinking about his dream and chan he even wondered...............was chan even real or someone imaginary. so many thoughts flood through again in his mind and he kept zoning out

The teacher continued to give out instructions and information but Seungmin was still lost in his thoughts, thinking about Chan. His heart pounded faster and faster as he thought about him, and wondered if he really existed or not. He closed his eyes for a moment and tried to block out the teacher, but he couldn't help but think about the way his warm hands felt on his cheeks, and the way his soft lips had felt on his own...

He then suddenly sits up straight and looks around, seeing people who look so familiar to him but also feeling like an alien at the same time. His eyes then landed on Chan who was sitting in the back of the class, and he stared at him for a few moments, his heart skipping a few beats and his face turning red, but he didn't know if this was real or another dream. He didn't care he was too focused on Chan, the way his lips curled up when he smiled...

Seungmin quickly looked back at the lecture but still glanced at chan when he had free time or when the teacher was not looking, he is real. Seungmin couldn't believe it he thought maybe the dream was a.......sign

Chan looked over at him and caught him looking, and he gave him a light smile, and that smiled immediately made Seungmin's heart skip a few beats as he turned back to the teacher, trying not to embarrass himself any further.He still had doubts if it was real so he thought about how he could maybe speak to him and then suddenly he had an idea...

The class seemed to drag on forever, but finally the bell rings, signalling that the school day was over. People started to pack up and leaving, but Seungmin looked back to the back of the class and saw that Chan was packing up as well. The idea from earlier came back to him, and he realised, He's going to leave if I don't do something now!

Seungmin had to act fast, so he quickly grabbed his backpack and ran up to Chan.

"H-hey, Chan! Wait up!" He called out, his heart beating a flutter. Chan looked at him, seeming slightly startled. "Oh, hey there. Whats up?" he replied, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "Um, I was wondering if'd like to go over math homework later?" Seungmin asked nervously, hoping he wouldn't make a fool of himself.

Seungmin could hear his heart pounding in his ears as he waited for Chan's answer.

Chan smiled warmly and said, "Sure, that sounds great! I can help you out. When should we meet up?" Seungmin couldn't believe it - he just agreed, just like that? The nerves and excitement were overwhelming as he quickly realised he hadn't even thought of a time yet. He had to come up with something.
"Um, how about we meet in the library after school tomorrow? Does that work for you?" Seungmin asked, trying to appear calmer than he felt.

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