The Prince

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    Vlad ate breakfast with his family.
His wife, Justina listened as their son Ian recount how his father took him for a horse ride,showing him the lands which he would inherit when he grew up.Luciana laughed as Ian exaggerated the things he saw on the ride.
Her silk brown hair ran down to her waist, with some strands spread about her pale breasts.

" Mama, you should have been there we weren't close to the castle but I could still feel it -like bad things would happen to me if I went there,it made me chilly"

Luciana scowled at Vlad, whilst Vlad suddenly very interested in his food.

They were interrupted by a knock knock on the door.

"Come in", Vlad said.

A servant stepped in and  bowed.

" Sorry to disturb his Majesty's breakfast but there a  messenger from the order has arrived to see you."

Vlad's expression turned serious you.
"Thank you. I'll be down to see him."

The servant bowed  and left, Vlad turned to Justina assurinngly "Do not worry yourself, wife, it's probably nothing"

He stands up and kisses her on the head and  tickles Ian before leaving the room.In the court room, Vlad sits on his throne and summons the messenger. A man dressed in red and black armor, with a red dragon on his chest plate, entered and bowed.

"Your majesty I come baring a message from the order"

Vlad leaned forward.
"What is your message,soldier"

" Your presence is requested at Targoviste."

"Targoviste?, Why Targoviste?."

"That is where the Order is camped, sire."

"Well in that case, tell the Order I will honor their request"

The message bows and leaves the room.

Later that evening Vlad sneaks up on  Justina as she puts Ian to bed.
" Good evening, Wife" his voice low and smooth.
Justina, already accustomed to Vlad's subtlety, doesn't react.

"I saw you looking at my breasts today at breakfast,and Ian saw you too.He asked me why you like looking at my breast so much.I do hope you'll have an answer for him tomorrow."

Vlad smiles.

"You'll have to help me explain,my love. I won't be here to answer him."

Justina rose from her bed ,took Vlad's hand, and dragged him outside as she gently closed the door behind them.

" What do you mean by you won't be here to explain?"

"The order asked for my presence."

"Asked or ordered?"

"'Requested actually."

Justina narrowed her eyes.

Vlad took her hand, his voice soft. "I'll just go and hear what they have to say, and I'll be back like I wasn't gone.

Luciana's eyes softened and with a soft voice.
"They're trying to make look like you have a choice."

"They are the Order Justina,they can demand anything, if they want to."

Justina's grip on his hand tightened.
"You are not your father Vlad.You owe the order nothing ."

Vlad's face darkened, his voice low.
"I owe them alot,Luciana."

Vlad takes Justina's hand and crosses her fingers with his as he leads her to their room.
"There's nothing to fear, darling. I'll just meet them at Targoviste and I'll be back like I was never gone."

Justina looks at him, alarmed.
"Vlad, what is the Order doing at Targoviste?"

"That is what I am going to find out, wife."

Vlad lies down, but Justina stands at the door.
"How long will you be gone?"
"Won't be long, just have to hear what they say and leave."
"What if they want you to help them fight the Sultan?"
"Then I'll have no choice but to fight." He says. "You can't fight the Sultan, Vlad."
"Justina, I don't know what the Order wants from me, so can you stop worrying over nothing and come to bed."

Justina walks to the bed and falls into Vlad's arms, bringing a sense of security.
"I pray you're right, and this is all nothing."

  The next morning,Vlad stood outside the castle,tightening his horses reins.
Luciana and Ian stood behind him, their faces filled with worry.

"I'll be gone for a little while,so you're now the man of the house,Ian" Vlad said his voice serious. Do you understand what that means?"

Ian nodded
"It means I'll take care of mama while you're gone.Don't worry papa,I won't let anything happen to her.

Justina rolls her eyes at them

Vlad smiled,his eyes warm." Good." He kissed Ian's head,then turned to
"Stop looking worried,I'll be back so fast it'll be like I never left."

"It's not about how fast you'll be back.It's what news you'll bring back that worries me."

Vlad's face turns serious.
"As I said no need to be worried."

They shared a kiss and Vlad mounted his horse, his men following suit.
"Justina is in charge while I am away. Any disrespect to her will be treated as a disrespect to me.Is that understood."

His men nodded in Unison.
" Oh,Vlad" Justina called out."when you return you're going to explain to me why you took my child to see that castle"

Vlad gave her a mischievous smile.
"Well it seems I'll be staying with the Order longer than expected "

He cued his horse to move ,and they road out of the castle, leaving behind rows of dead bodies impaled on sharp wooden spikes,a grim warning for outsiders who dared to attack.

In the forest of Tagorviste ,the camp of the Order Of The Dragon bustled with activity.
Soldiers with red armor moved about,some carrying spears , swords, and bows , while others carried scrolls and parchments. In the middle of the camp stood the largest tent,black with the emblem of a dragon at it's entrance.

    Vlad and his lieutenants dismounted their horses and entered thetent. Inside , five men stood around a table with a map of Romania spread before.

"Well if it isn't Vlad The Impaler.",one of them.

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