Chapter 26: Home

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memory from 50 years ago 

Elliot Manor

Nate's POV

I was just sitting in the library reading about dogs (I don't remember what the book name was) while Eshan was sweeping. I pass him an image of me and Vicky and he looks at it.

Eshan: Yo, this is some of the best art I've seen, let me guess... Vicky drew it.

Nate: Yep.

Eshan: I do not understand how she is such a good artist?

Nate: Me neither.

Eshan: Have you seen Brett anywhere? (btw the Brett here is the past Brett before he was turned in a Disassembly Drone.

Nate: No.

Eshan: Okay.

Me and Eshan then look at Vicky's body just standing there with a error message on her visor.

Nate: I miss Vicky!

Eshan: Some how... me too.

Just then, books started to fall off from the shelf and I run up to Eshan for protection I guess.

Eshan: How did that happen?

Nate: N-no clue.

Eshan: Let's go meet Tessa.

Nate: Okay but let me talk to Cyn first.

Eshan: Alright but can you let me go now?

Nate: Oh sorry.

Eshan: It's fine.

We both parted ways with Eshan going to Tessa and me going to see Cyn.

time skip.

Still Nate's POV (Past N is Nate btw and Vicky is past V if you also didn't know somehow!)

I go to into the bar to see Cyn and I go sit with her.

Nate: Hey Cyn.

Cyn: Will you go to the gala with me.

Nate: I don't think were invited Cyn

Cyn: Criss Cross applesauce.

Cyn: Am I not wanted Nate?

Nate: You know it's Tessa's folks.

Cyn: Giggle I'm so naughty.

Cyn had a puppy picture on her visor and she was begging me to go to the gala with her.

Nate: Fine we'll ask Tessa, if not... Movie not with me and Eshan.

Cyn: Sure.

another time skip

Still Nate's POV

We enter the dinning room with Cyn behind my back and saying

Cyn: Shuffle shuffle shuffle.

While also adjusting her head to be straight.

We see Eshan, Tommy, Kayle, Damian, and Tessa.

Tessa then runs up to me and says

Tessa: NATE!

Tessa grabs my cheeks and I say

Nate: Hi Tessa.

Tessa: And who did you bring- oh

Cyn: Looks like Kayle forgot to let me out of my basement time out again.

Kayle: And yet, here you are.

Nate: You guys are locking her up?

Damian: Yeah so?

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