C H A P T E R - XV

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"Oh, is it, love?" He glanced at her, a soft and very subtle smirk tugged to his bottom lip, making her heart skip a beat. 'Love? Since when did he start calling me that?' She wondered as she looked into his eyes, hers filled with confusion while his which were filled with rage a moment ago suddenly softened as they met with hers.

"Is there anything wrong?" He asked again, sensing her confusion as he took steps towards her, his arm circling around her waist, making her breath hitch at the unexpected action. His jealousy was making him do things he never would do himself, she realized, and flashed a sweet smile at him while shaking her head. "He is my senior doctor at the hospital, Atharva. Nothing else." She assured, turning back at Nikhil, who felt too embarrassed to be standing there anymore, but still managed to utter, "You guys know each other?".

"Dr. Nikhil, this is my fiancée, Devika Mathur. Soon to be Vashisht. Of course I know her, and I am glad that you know her too!" The wicked smile just grew wider on Atharva's face as he successfully shooed away the man hitting on his lady.

"What was that?" And as soon as Nikhil left, giving an excuse of seeing some other people at the party, Atharva was held hostage by Devika's angry glare.

"What? Kuch bhi toh nahi." A goofy grin appeared on his face. "Kuch bhi nahi? Since when do you call me 'love'?" She crossed her arms above her chest.

"Since, today?!" He sighed, looking away, trying his best to ignore her questions. But that seemed impossible considering her determination to seek answers.

"You said there won't be any sort of love in our relationship. Ironical, isn't it?" For the first time, a very subtle smirk covered her face as she gave him a look, her eyes staring deep into his, making him nervous, a complete turn of tables.

"It's not that, I just didn't like how he was behaving around you." His grip tightened around her waist.

"You don't have to be jealous, Atharva."

"I am not jealous." He rolled his eyes comically.

"Of course. Why would you be jealous." She mumbled, the smile not leaving her lips as she continued to stare up at him, "what?" he asked, smiling himself now.

"You look cute when you're jealous." She giggled, making his heart flutter at the soothing sound, her eyes squinting and shining as she giggled, while her hand rested above his on the table next to them.

"Why do you think I was jealous?" His face brightened up while turning to face her completely now, his hand still wrapped around her waist.

"I don't know, maybe because if it was possible to kill people with eyes, Dr. Nikhil wouldn't be alive anymore." She shook her head, laughing again, before turning her head to look at a couple of people who were staring at them with curiosity. "People are looking at us." She said, but it only made him pull her closer.

"So, let them." His breath fell upon her face as he answered due to the propinquity between them, making her heart have a marathon of its own.

"You're behaving weird today." She raised her hand up to rest it upon his chest.

"I don't think so!"

"But I do!" And with an evil grin, she pushed him away. "Amrita must be looking for me."

"Of course." He nodded as he watched her walk away, disappearing into the crowd. "Love? How foolish of me." He mumbled under his breath, completely amazed by his own doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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