The Summer I turned Pretty: Short story

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It was just one kiss.

There was no coming back for seconds, no pause where you stare into the other persons eyes, then continue the love fest. Nope. It was just one. It wasn't even one of those realllly long, sappy kisses. It was quick, probably about 15 seconds, but it was by far the best kiss I had ever experienced. It was gentle but firm, and it felt like It felt like everything else was falling away. Like I was being sucked  into another dimension, and everything around me was falling away into chaos, and the only stable thing was his body. And then it was over. We did not move away sharply, but slowly broke away, our eyes staying closed until we were fully upright. My eyes opened gingerly, and slowly, his did, too. For a moment, we stayed silent, just looking at each other. It wasn't awkward, or cheesy. We were simply looking at each other. Then he said, sucking in his cheekbones, emphasizing them comically, "you kiss like a guy, belle," I laughed. "Should I be concerned you know what that's like?" He smiled, his eyes sparkling in the darkness. "Probably," He said, kicking a stone off the rooftop. I moved forward, so my legs were dangling off the edge of the building. It was pretty high, and my heart gave a small jolt, but I didn't move back. He scooted forward till he was beside me. Then he lay back on the concrete rooftop, and I did the same. We stared up at the stars in silence for 10 minutes, just completely relaxed. There was no awkward feeling that you need to talk, no, just silence. It was a perfect little moment of peace. Suddenly, however, our perfect moment of peace was broken by his phone, buzzing loudly and lighting up the wall behind us. He grimaced, and grabbed the phone. As he saw it, his face fell, and you could almost see the chasm opening up in his stomach. "Mums in trouble," he muttered, almost inaudible. "She's having a bad night..I have to be case..,"  he trailed off. I gave him a reassuring nod, even though the last thing I wanted to do was let him leave. "The 26A bus is faster then the 25A, okay?," He gave me a look that said "Thank you," and I nodded. He lingered momentarily, then turned and ran to the door. He pulled it open with a heave, gave me one last look, and ran in, the door swinging shut behind him. I stayed there, staring at the door, until I heard a slam outside. I turned around slowly, and saw him, tripping out of the door. He almost lost balance, but steadied himself and kept running. I watched him as he ran. He ran around bends, running in a somewhat graceful manner as he charged through the alley way that led back to the main road. And then, just like that, he was around a corner, gone. I stayed in the same position for about 20 minutes. Halve heartedly wishing he would come back around the corner and tell me he made a mistake, Susan was fine, he could stay with me. But of course he didn't. Once I finally decided to move, I rolled over onto my stomach, and felt something sharp underneath me. I sat up, and there, perfectly intact, was the blue and peach shell he always kept on a chain round his neck. I held it in my palm, and closed my fist around it gently.I held it to my mouth, and planted a small kiss on my finger nails. "Goodbye," I said, whispering the words into the shell, willing them to carry to him.
Goodbye Jeremiah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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