1. Mending the Heartbreak

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She got off the metro, hearing the crashing of the waves from the stairway that lead up. 'A beach..' She looked at the horizon, the skies dark. She pushed through the few people and headed up the stairs, taking her duffel bag and herself off the metro . She stepped onto the hard concrete in front of her, the people behind her leaving. She looked ahead of her. A beach. There wasn't many people, maybe one or two here and there but other than that, none. She slung her bag around her shoulder before removing her shoes. With that, she held her shoes in her hands and she headed down to the beach. 

She  stopped at the shore where the salty waters and the sandy beach met, the cold water splashing against her feet. She took a breath as the cool breeze hit her. It was refreshing, almost calming. A small smile formed on her lips. A sense of relief hit her, knowing that she had no one to worry about here. She didn't have any plans on going back to Seoul either, but she couldn't be sure of it. She continued to trek along the beach, before she saw a small building along the shore.

'Surf and Serve'

Just by looks, it looked quite homey. Part of the shop was open roofed, lights strung around the area with tables and chairs on a patio. There was a fire pit with outdoor couches in the color of white surrounding it. The rest was under a roof. That seemed to be a restaurant part of it. There was a doorway connecting the two shops. The other shop seemed to be a surf shop, surf boards were displayed as well as beach clothing. She could already see two boys in the outside area. She walked in, seeing two other boys behind the counter. One boy noticed her, he had dark hair that could be considered a mullet because of its length and sharp but beautiful eyes, which quickly turned into crescents with a gummy smile. "Hey, welcome to Surf and Serve, how can we help you tonight?" His voice was tired sounding but his tone was welcoming. She only smiled faintly, going to their counter. 

"Would you like some tteokbokki? It's our speciality." Another voice inquired. When you looked to see where the voice came from, you saw another boy behind the front counter. He had dark hair and plush lips. Seo-Yoon only nodded, going ahead and reaching for her wallet in your bag. "No no no sweetheart, it's on the house tonight. It's late out and looks like you've been through a lot. Please, take our generosity." He insisted. Seo-Yoon retracted her hand, placing it at her side, as it was before. She nodded slowly, heading for one of the tables for one. She sat down, placing her bag beside her and pulling her phone from her jacket pocket. 

Her messages were blowing up. From friends and ex. Her parents knew of her leaving, so none from them. She began reading the texts before she was interrupted by the noise of a chair being pulled up to her table. In front of her, sat another boy. He had brown, fluffy hair that was trapped from flowing with a black headband. "Hey, I'm Taehyung." He reached his hand out for her to shake, a boxy grin pulled at his lips. His voice was deep and smooth like butter. She reached out and shook his hand. "Seo-Yoon." She said quietly, almost shy sounding. They both retracted their hands, an awkward silence settling between them. "So.."—He began—"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here?" He asked her. Her cheeks flushed a bit at the nickname. "I-" She was cut off by a boy placing her tteokbokki down in front of her. It was beautifully decorated. "Here is your tteokbokki, enjoy." He said. The boy smiled, dimples showing.

"I'm surprised he didn't drop that bowl." The boy from behind the counter remarked. Taehyung and the sharp eyed boy nodded along. "Namjoon-hyung, as many glasses you've broken today, that was shocking." Taehyung added. The boy now known as Namjoon frowned. "Alright, alright, I did good though, did I not?" He asked, trying to lift the shame on him. "Yeah, better than most days.." The sharp eyed boy answered him. 

Seo-Yoon looked at the tteokbokki, eating it quickly yet savoring the flavors. Its smell was wafting in the air, her mouth was already watering before. "Woah, woah slow down there beautiful, I knew you were hungry from just looking at you, but not this hungry. Relax. Eat slowly love." The boy with plump lips warned her. She blinked at him, starting to eat slowly. "I'm Jin by the way, the most beautiful man you'll ever see." He introduced himself cockily. She finished the bowl in less than 5 minutes. She hadn't had dinner that night nor have eaten anything since noon. "thank you." She thanked the four boys quietly. Smiles formed in their faces, glad to help out another customer. 

Three more boys entered the shop from the open doorway. "Hey hyungs." One said. He had messy hair and doe eyes. His hair was dyed silver with his original hair color showing at the tops. "Hey Jungkook, how was the surf shop today?" Jin asked. He grinned. "Great!"—His eyes averted to the girl—"Who's this?" The boy known as Jungkook asked. No one knew of her name except Taehyung, who spoke up. "Seo-Yoon." He stated, the girl nodding. "Well, we should introduce ourselves to you, I'm Jin." The boy with plush lips began. "I'm Yoongi, nice to meet you, Seo-Yoon" The boy with sharp eyes said. "As you know, Taehyung." He grinned, winking at her. "And as you heard from earlier, I'm Namjoon." The boy with dimples sighed, his hands at his side in defeat. "Otherwise known as God of Destruction" Yoongi remarked. 

A boy with a big grin introduced himself next. "I'm Hoseok, but a lot of people call me Hobi!" He said enthusiastically, brightly smiling. A boy with pink, plush lips and blonde hair looked at me. "I'm Jimin." His voice was light and airy, but he sounded sweet. Lastly was the messy, blue-silver haired boy. He grinned happily, his smile resembling a bunny. "I'm Jungkook, it's a pleasure to meet you, Seo-Yoon." He introduced himself happily. A silence settled over all of them. "So..I saw your Help Wanted sign.." She trailed off. Taehyung's eyes seemed to lighten up. "Do you wanna join our little crew?" He inquired. Seo-Yoon nodded, a small tugging at her lips. "I want a fresh start. I came from Seoul and needed a refresher." She explained. They nodded along. 

"Well, another worker in the surf shop would be nice.." Jungkook added. Jimin and Hoseok nodded along. Jin seemed to think for a few moments. "You're hired then. We're glad to welcome you to our team." He said, a very welcoming tone in his voice. "I..uh.." Seo-Yoon began. The boys stayed silent, listening intently. "I don't have a place to stay.." She admitted. The boys looked at each other. "We all live in this big beach house, we have an extra bedroom if you'd like." Namjoon offered. The other boys were nodding along. She shrugged, thanking him. "Yes please, but I don't want to be a burden to you boys." 

"A burden? No, never, don't say that. You're welcome, you're a part of our crew now." Taehyung reassured her, smiling softly. They were all so welcoming to her, it made her happy. "I'd love to...thank you boys." She smiled warmly, the first real smile in a while. "Of course Seo-Yoon, it's our pleasure!" Hoseok grinned. She only just met them but it felt like she knew them for years. 


The eight of them entered the large beach house. It was two stories but many, many rooms were in the house. The color theme were white and tans, but each individual room was unique. Yoongi led Seo-Yoon to the guest room, upstairs. "Here's your room, hope you enjoy it here. You can decorate it however you want" He said, a small smile pulling at his lips. "Thanks Yoongi." She thanked him with a small bow. "Ah yeah, be warned, the house can get chaotic during game nights or whatever." He warned her. The house indeed was chaotic during game nights. "Ah.. thanks Yoongi." She thanked him once again. "No problem, have a good night." He wished her a good night, heading downstairs to his bedroom. 

Inside her new bedroom, it had a music, spacey aesthetic to it. The color theme seemed to be on the black and white side. On the walls were pictures of the moon and astrology posters, records were hung up, and there was both an electric guitar and an acoustic guitar in the room. The electric guitar was hung up on the wall whilst the acoustic guitar was displayed on the ground. Both were black, but gorgeous. 

She looked at her bed, sitting on it. It had a black blanket with a white comforter over it, a few plushies here and there. 'They sure made this guest room homey and comfy.' She smiled at the thought, she thought it was cute. She placed her duffel bag down. She looked at an open door, it revealed a bathroom connected to her room. 'How convenient.' She really wanted to freshen up after the long night and head to bed, which was exactly what she did.


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