3 - Five Night at Dreddy.

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I swear this spiky redhead class representative just want to make the whole class project conquered by himself.

Not a single idea of ours being taken seriously and jotting down beside that ridiculous folding a 50 thousands crane on that scratchy blackboard behind him.

And that alone managed to drag all of the living beings here who sold out their spirit to Satan rather than doing than inhabitat things. Which means every person needs to fold about 1389 pieces and I ain't doing that shit on this festival.

"I have a suggestion." The green afro boy standing up, raising his head and I bet my whole undergarments the class representative wouldn't even spare his life to acknowledge him.

Because that's what his role is for.

"Well, it's a little hard to say but.... How about a maid cafe? You know they've been pretty popular lately, right?"

Finally you mentioned the most normal and cliche ideas of dialogue like another general sense of anime they would do.

"How about this then?" Yumehara butt in, a happy tone trailing her voice as she's up from her chair with a smiley face. "A crossdressing maid cafe! We could dress the boys in maid outfits!"

'Kyaa! That sounds fun!'

'That's a great idea, Chiyo!'

'Ehh! I don't want to wear a dress!'

'Hey... There's no way–! Huh? Do we have to shave our legs too?! No way– I don't even know how to wear a bra!'

For someone dejecting this idea so badly, Takahashi is the real concept of wearing the opposite reaction than he was supposed to.

Dude even going to wear a bra?! Sick bastard.

"I see, that's a pretty interesting idea! Thanks Yumehara-san! So, does anyone else have any ideas?" Hairo only stands without moving an inch a bit close to the blackboard.

Oi. You're not going to write that?!

Next, Teruhashi suggested making a planetarium since nowadays they have those home planetarium machines projecting as well at home. Funny how Hairo being a party pooper turned down the followers of Teruhashi's spirit but not even his charismatic aura could defeat Teruhashi's one.

Then, the choice of Mera making a meat grill shop as well joined the club of ideas being rejected by the energetic but in the end defeated by 50 thousand cranes.

"[Name], what about you?"


Why bother asking me dude when you gonna turn my request in your garbage of mind later?

"Urm... I don't know? Movie time?"

I was greeted by the sound of cricket in the background. As a result most of them couldn't handle and get along with my sassy douchebag head.

'That's... random.'

'I bet she's not taking it seriously because the headclass keeps throwing ideas in the rubbish.'

'She can just keep that in her mind and shut her mouth–'

I should see this coming. What a disappointment.

"What about you seal your mouth first rather than judging people's one piece of mind?" I mockingly sneered. The class went into the amazon jungle again.

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