3. Hermit Crabs and Sea Glass

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An hour of working in Surf and Serve passed, customers coming in and out. Seo-Yoon sat behind the counter, scrolling through Instagram since business was going slow. "Seo-Yoon, I can see you on your phone, you're not slick." Jungkook called out from afar. She frowned, staring right at the silver-blue haired boy, his hair held up by a black headband. Jungkook only gave her a a small grin before looking away. Music could be heard playing above in the speakers, giving the customers something to listen to while they browse. Another hour passed. The dark haired girl looked at the clock. It was now 1:27pm. Shifts were 11am-5pm, along with a lunch break around 2. Work hours change depending on the day. On Wednesdays, they're open from 12pm until 11pm for late night surfing. On Sundays, they're open at 1pm-6pm, and they're only opened in the evening on Saturdays.  Today was a Thursday, meaning the shifts were normal. 'Just a little more than three and a half hours left..' She internally groaned.

Hoseok noticed her. "This is life in the surf shop, sometimes it's bustling and full of customers, sometimes it seems to be almost barren." He quoted. She nodded, looking ahead of her at her surroundings. Nothing much in front of her. She saw Jimin, Jungkook, surf boards, guitars and ukuleles, and a beautiful view of the shore, as well as a small glass display shelf holding treasures found on the beach. Right beside Seo-Yoon on the counter was a cute bonsai tree, placed there by Namjoon just this morning. "It'd make a cute touch! Just trust me!" She remembered him defending the tree, wanting to keep it in the surf shop. Jimin walked towards the counter with Jungkook. Both were bored out of their minds.

"So, how's life?" Jungkook asked, attempting to start a conversation. "Eh, nothing much. I'm just content with it in current states." Hoseok answered, shrugging. "Can I go outside for a bit?" Seo-Yoon asked out of nowhere. The three boys looked at each other, speaking with their eyes. "Sure, you're about to switch shifts with Jimin so why not? Jungkook's coming with you too, we'll cover y'all." Jimin directed, his hands on his hips. The girl immediately sprung up from her seat, heading towards the sandy shore happily. Jungkook only chuckled at her, along with the two other boys. "She's just adorable." Jimin admitted, Jungkook and Hoseok nodding along. Jungkook followed her, she was already out at the tide. It was low tide at the moment, and she was crouched down, looking for who knows what.

"Jungkook! Look, look, look!" She sounded excited, holding a few things in her hand. In her hands were a few shells, two pieces of sea glass, and a hermit crab. "Oooh, Where did you get that??" He marveled over the small creature, poking its shell. "The sand, can I keep it?" She asked. They were literally like children. "Go ask Jin-hyung or Namjoon-hyung, oooh Namjoon-hyung likes crabs, I think he'll like it." Jungkook ranted, pointing to the two in the ramen shop. The two ran up to the shop, both standing at patio, eyes innocent. They didn't say anything, they just stood there until Jin noticed the two.

 They didn't say anything, they just stood there until Jin noticed the two

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Okay, is he just not the cutest? ~atlas<3

After what felt like an eternity, Jin noticed the pair from the kitchen. "What is it, Jungkookie, Seo-Yoon?" He called from behind the counter. "We need Namjoon-hyung, Seo-Yoon has something to show him!" He called back, pointing to the girl. "Namjoon!" Jin shouted, calling for the dimpled boy. "Yeah hyung?" He answered from the dining area, tending to some plants. "Seo-Yoon and Jungkook have something to show you." He stated, pointing his finger towards them. Namjoon made his way to the two of them, stepping onto the patio with them. "Look, look, look hyung!" Jungkook giggled, pointing to the girl's hands. In her hands sat her treasures and her new friend.

"Oh it's cute." He said, poking the little creature as if he was petting it. The little hermit crab flipped over, Namjoon flipped it back up. "Well he's a dashing young gentleman as I could see." He said, chuckling. His dimples were on full display. "How do you know?" Jungkook asked, raising a brow. Seo-Yoon giggled at Jungkook's side eye. "When they flip over sometimes, or you hold them upside down, you can tell their genders." Namjoon explained, picking the creature from Seo-Yoon's hands and placing it into the sand. "You two should take him back, he'll be happier back where he belongs." Namjoon instructed, giving the hermit crab a little pet. "Alright Namjoon, thank you." Seo-Yoon said, picking up the tiny hermit crab once again. A smile adorned her face, making both the boy's heart flutter.

The pair went back to the shore, placing the crab back near the tide, waving goodbye to it. "Can I keep these?" She asked Jungkook, watching the little hermit crab crawl back to the waters. When Seo-Yoon said "These", she meant by the two pieces of sea glass she found. One was purple, the other was a soft blue in color. "Ooh, we have this little treasure display in the shop, you remember it?" He suggested. She took a moment to think, remembering what she saw in the shop earlier today. "Oh yeahhh, what's in there? I never looked inside." She asked, walking with Jungkook back to the shop. "Uhm.. Whenever me or my hyungs find some sort of thing on the beach that's cool, we put it in the display so customers can look at them. You can keep 'em too if you'd like." Jungkook explained, pointing to her sea glass. "Hmm.." She pondered. "I'll keep the purple one, I'll give you the blue one to put in." She answered, each of the colored treasures in separate hands.

"Alright then, sounds good. We should head back up, it's almost lunch time." Jungkook had a bunny grin on his face, beginning to run up the sandy ground. "Hey! I'm not that fast, you can't just run up like that!!" She shouted, sounding a bit upset. Seo-Yoon was starting to feel happy again, her fresh start was starting out wonderfully. She only wanted to start fresh, maybe after a certain amount of time she'll return to Seoul or maybe not. In current states, she had no intention of returning to Seoul. The two returned to the surf shop, just in the nick of time for their lunch break.

Hours passed, and it was closing time. Seo-Yoon looked at her phone. 5:13pm. Her first day in Gwangalli was almost up. The boys had closed up the shop and were all at the beach. She stood on the patio that stayed open to the public, looking at the horizon in front of her. She heard someone walk beside her. It was Taehyung. "It's beautiful out here, isn't it?" He asked, his arms resting on the railing beside hers. "It is..I just feel so.."—She paused, thinking of the word to use—"So free out here. I'm not trapped by anything out here, my worries just wash away along with the waves pulling things into the ocean." She sighed, her eyes fluttering shut. She could hear the 6 other boys playing on the beach, making as much noise as possible. She smiled ever so slightly at the noise.

"Well.. you are a rather free-spirited girl from what I've seen. You do as you want with consent. If not, then you'd probably work your way around it." Taehyung had his eyes on her, admiring her side profile. "It's nice here. The days only get better out here, it's kind of.. magical if I may say so myself." The fluffy haired boy added, the corner of his lips pulling into a smile. "We're going surfing in a bit, do you wanna join us?" The boy changed the subject, standing up straight instead of leaning on the railing. Seo-Yoon stood up straight as well, following suit. "I'd love to, but I don't know much about surfing. I did when I was a kid, not anymore." She admitted, embarrassed.

"Ehh, that doesn't matter. I can teach you but I'm not the best either. Ask Jiminie-hyung or Jungkookie, they're both really good." Taehyung suggested, pointing to the two boys who were whacking each other in the head with their surf boards. Lightly of course. The wavy haired girl giggled at the sight. "I will, I hope it's fun out on the waves." She wished. "Oh it is fun out there, some of the best fun you'll have, I can promise you that." Taehyung winked, a heat rising up to her cheeks. "L.. Let's go then, shall we?" She stammered, her cheeks hot. "Yeah, let's go!" Taehyung agreed happily, taking her hand and leading her down to the tide.


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