4. Surfboards and Waves

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The six boys played on the beach, throwing sand or whatnot at each other. "Heh, looks like those two may have something for each other." Jin chuckled, looking at the two on the patio fondly. The others looked as well when Jin pointed it out. A series of "Awes" and "Ooh" came from the six of them, watching the two. They thought it was cute, but each had this small feeling of jealousy bubbling in them..Jungkook especially. He wanted to become closer with the girl. Why? He wasn't too sure himself. He only knew he didn't really like the sight of Taehyung and Seo-Yoon laughing together so casually. Of course, he wanted his hyung to be happy and Seo-Yoon to be happy, he just felt.. upset, almost hurt. Jungkook pulled his lips into a smile, though full of jealousy.

"They're cute.." The silver-blue haired boy stated, running his hair through his soft but luxurious locks. "They are, I bet they'll start dating." Namjoon smiled after the sentence left his mouth, the pair nearing the six. "Let's start surfing, the waves look great right now." Jimin sounded rushed to get to the beautiful waves. Seo-Yoon looked dazed, watching the waves with an uneasy feeling in her stomach. Each of the boys grabbed their personal surf boards, each of them with their own unique design. The dark haired girl watched them, Hoseok walking up to her with his board. "Jungkookie can make surf boards, that's how we have these." He explained, rubbing his hand down the smooth board.

"You can ask him to make you one, it's fun to customize it to!" He had this cute grin on his face, his lips almost heart-like. "Until then.."—Jungkook joined their conversation—"You can have this one." Jungkook handed the girl a smaller surf board, perfect for her size. It was wooden, like the rest of the boys' boards. Hers was just wooden, slightly tinted purple with white patterns accents on the edges of it. "Oooh it's pretty" She grinned after the sentence left her mouth. "I made it this morning, figured you might've needed one, beautiful." The silver-blue haired boy winked at her, again the familiar heat rising to the girls face. Her face was a visible shade of pink, Jungkook liked the idea of him being the one to do that to her.

"Hey Seo-Yoon, before we go out, do you know how to swim?" Jungkook asked, eyes full of curiosity. She shook her head. Jungkook's smile fell, listening intently to her. "I do, I'm just not the best. When I was in grade school, we had swimming lessons but I didn't really advance because I was just afraid. Afraid of drowning and losing my life the waters just because I almost drowned in a pool when I was 8. I only know how to float on my back and then puppy paddle, it's not much but a bit." She admitted. She embraced the fact she couldn't swim but it was upsetting at times when she had to stay in the shallower end, wading in the waters at pools. "I could teach you one day if you'd like." Jungkook offered, shrugging in the process. She shrugged along with him. "I don't mind, but I've been pushing it aside for a while now, so maybe soon."

The two carried their surf boards to the salted waters, the 6 other boys already wading in the water. Jimin was laying on his board as it drifted on the shallow waters, Taehyung following suit. Seo-Yoon watched the two and attempted to join them, only to fall off of her board onto the coastline between the waters and sand. She fell face first, saltwater had gone up her nose and down her throat, causing her to cough up the salty water out of her mouth. "Seo-Yoon, are you okay?!" Hoseok asked, running over and holding a hand out for her. He was frantic or it seemed like he was. She took his hand, him pulling her up. "Yeah, my knees and face just hurts." She grumbled, rubbing the sand off her face. "Now my face is itchy." She complained, shaking her head in an attempt to get more of the sand off her face. That didn't help much.

Namjoon was on her right side, holding a towel in his hands for her. When she looked over, he held it out to her. "Thanks Namjoon." A small smile was visible on her face making the boys' hearts jump. If you couldn't tell, it was a little obvious they all had this teeny tiny crush on the girl, all taking the feelings differently. When Seo-Yoon finished rubbing the sand off her face, Jungkook had her board ready for her, holding it alongside his. "I'll teach ya how to surf, it isn't too hard to learn." He stated, handing the girl her board. "Thanks Jungkook." She huffed, running her hand through her sand ridden hair.

Jungkook being Jungkook, he had to hold in his laugh when she fell. He thought it was cute. Of course, he was worried as heck for her, but that could never stop him from letting out at least a chuckle. He took her out to the sea, only to where the waters reached their knees. "This is deep enough." He said aloud, stopping Seo-Yoon from going further. She was a little more than a foot from him, but she moved closer to him, a sick feeling in her stomach arising. "Okay, what do you know?" He asked, his hands on his hips. "Uhm..I know some of the the basics, is that enough to surf with you guys?" She had a finger on her lip in thought, looking in front of them. She could see Jin and Yoongi on the beach, Jin waving to her with his pink sunglasses. He admired her side profile while she was distracted. She had pink, full lips, gorgeous brown eyes that shone in the sunlight, it didn't go unnoticed to Jungkook as she had uneven eyelids. That just added to her beauty, her uniqueness that he oh so loved.

"Beautiful.." He mumbled. His words didn't go pass Seo-Yoon. "What was that Jungkook?" She inquired, looking at him with a raised brow. "The view.. it's beautiful." He specified, keeping a calm demeanor. She looked at what he was referring to. It was indeed beautiful. "Well, you should be all good to go, if you need help just call me, Hoseok, or Jimin." He directed, pointing to everyone he named including himself. She nodded sternly, grabbing her board and moving into deeper waters. She was at chest deep waters, and that's where she got onto her surf board, laying on her stomach as she waited for a wave. She was pretty far from the shoreline, maybe about 13 feet away. She looked behind her quickly, seeing a wave beginning to form come towards her. As the wave formed and began to grow larger, she slowly and carefully began to stand on her two feet, wobbling as she gained balance.

Jin, Yoongi, and Jimin watched from the shore, their eyes on the girl. She gained balance, fully standing on the board. She rode the waves gracefully yet unsteadily. She was angling herself as she rode the somewhat large wave. She looked like she was surfing so smoothly, but still so unsteadily, wobbles coming from her every now and then. Jungkook was near her, and watched her. A small "Wow" came from his mouth, watching in astonishment. In his head, he found his dream girl. In his eyes she was perfect, he loved every flaw about her. They've only known each other for 2 days, but he was head over heels. He reached the shoreline when she did, the three boys on the sand giving her a small round of applause. "You're not too bad Seo-Yoon." Jimin complimented, a nod of approval coming from him. The waves began to calm down only seconds later. A feeling of disappointment washed over her, now knowing she wasn't able to go for anymore rounds of surfing. Jimin on the other hand, seemed delighted. The boy now had his board in his arms and was heading to the calm waters. He had placed his surfboard on the water and laid down on his back, relaxing. Jungkook had followed suit, doing the exact same thing as Jimin. Taehyung and Namjoon were on the beach now, searching for treasures.

Jin was relaxing with his pink sunglasses, sitting there and looking pretty. Yoongi..well, Yoongi was sleeping on a towel laid out on the sand, and Hoseok? He was with Yoongi, covering the sleeping boy's legs in sand. She giggled at the sight, Hoseok holding a finger to his lips to tell her to shush. She nodded, watching the boy turn Yoongi into a mermaid. She took her board that was laying in the sand and went to the salted waters, laying it down and paddling out to where Jungkook was, relaxing near him. "It's pretty out here, isn't it?" Jungkook asked out of the blue, his right forearm resting under his head. She only nodded in response, sitting up to sit on her knees. Jungkook did the same, looking at the horizon. The sun was beginning to set, stars were beginning visible above them. Jungkook had reached his hands out to her, reaching out for her to take a hold of it.. and she did. His eyes were full of stars, quite literally as she looked at the stars above them. He admired her, his face warm as he was holding her hand. That's when he finally had a thought.

'I want her as mine.'


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