Ballroom dancing

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Lucy's Pov-

Silence is all that I hear through the house, besides the slight sound of pages flipping.

“Lockwood.” I walk into the library and sit in the chair beside him.

“Luce.” That’s all he says before looking back down at his magazine.

We sit in a comfortable silence, we don’t speak, we just sit in each other's presence.

“Has Skull said anything recently?” Lockwood asks, putting his magazine down to look at me.

“No, not since the graveyard.” I tell him keeping my eyes on my book.

“Mhm.” He nodded and went back to his magazine, leaving a bit of awkward silence in the air.

“So, I’m going to head back to bed, you might want to also.” I tell him putting my book down to stand up and walking to the door.

“Luce?” Lockwood puts his magazine down.

“Yeah?” I ask, turning around and leaning against the door frame.

“I- Sleep well.” Lockwood said, as he got up and headed out of the room as I turned my head so my eyes could follow him out of the room before I went upstairs.


The next morning


I woke up to my alarm going off. I then began heading downstairs and into the kitchen, where I was met by George and Lockwood.

“Morning.” Both of them said at the same time.

“Jinx, you owe me around 20 packs of biscuits now.” George said, making me laugh to myself quietly.

“Damnit.” I heard Lockwood say under his breath.

Once I fully walked into the kitchen, I sat down and began talking to Lockwood.

“Any cases today?”I asked as George set our plates down.

“No, no calls yet, also George what the fuck is this.” Lockwood turned to look at George with a pissed off expression as George started laughing hysterically.

What does it s-” Before I could look Lockwood was scribbling it out with a marker.

“It was nothing, absolutely nothing.” Lockwood said before getting up and walking out of the kitchen.

“George what did you write?” I asked while putting my plate in the sink.

“Oh it was nothing.” He said exiting out of the kitchen leaving me alone with my thoughts.




*Knock Knock*

“Luce, are you in there?”I heard Lockwood say, I then walked over and opened the door poking my head out.

“Oh you…um.”He proceeded to look at the floor considering I was only in a towel, since I had just taken a shower.

“Sorry, uh do you need something?” I asked.

“Yeah I just- uh we got an invitation to a ball, Fittes, which I’m surprised about… uh here.” He said handing me the invite.

“Thanks, um is that all?” I asked as the awkward silence filled the air.

“No, just be ready to go by 7:35, I'm gonna go.” He said and before I could say anything else he was already half-way down the stairs.

When I closed the door, I let out the breath I was holding in, what is going on.




“Everyone out the door, we are running on a short amount of time.” George said, ushering me and Lockwood out the door.

“George calm down, we don’t need to be stepping in the building exactly on time.”Lockwood said, shoving George slightly.

I rolled my eyes and got in the cab, smoothing out my dress as I sat down.

“This is a Fittes party we are talking about, if you are a minute late, might as well not be there.”

“Shut up both of you, at least we were invited after last time.”

The ride to the party was quiet after that.


7:50(I wish google would give me the amount of time it would take to get from portland row to the Fittes)


The hall was as grand as it was the last time we were there, yet last time we didn’t get to enjoy most of it.

“Oh, Kipps is here.” Lockwood rolled his eyes and sighed, his usual smirk, falling.

“Lockwood this is a party for agencies, his agency being part of Fittes.” I said, shoving him with my shoulder.

“Well I’m heading to the food table, see you when the party ends.” George then ran off leaving me and Lockwood alone.

“Looks the same as last time, posh people and small talk, surprising.” I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my drink.

“Dancing too, that’s different.” I looked over to where Lockwood was pointing, and noticed a few people dancing.

“Wanna dance.” Lockwood held out his hand for me to grab.

“No, if I dance I’ll end up embarrassing myself.” As soon as I said that Lockwood grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor.

“I don’t know how to dance either, but I won’t let that stop me.” Lockwood then started to dance.

“Ugh, you really know how to get on my nerves.” I tried to suppress my laughter but it came out anyway.

As we started to dance the lights went dim and slow music started playing.

“Ms. Carlyle, would you like to have this dance?”

“Yes I would, Mr. Lockwood.”

Lockwood put his hands on my waist, and I put my hands around his neck, I could feel his breath down my neck making me go red.

“Luce, you look beautiful tonight.” Lockwood turned his head to look at me.

“I- Thank you.” The gap between me and Lockwood got smaller the more we swayed, until it closed and our lips combined. I then pulled away.

“Luce, will you be my girlfriend?” Lockwood pressed his forehead against mine.

“Yes I will.”I then pulled him into a kiss.
A/N- I wrote this out of boredom, I do like it tho so I hope you do to.

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