18. Lucidity

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Rosalia never wanted to try something so daring.

Rose gave it a thousand thoughts at least. After that fateful night, she discussed everything with Miliani and demanded to know about the explanations behind her intuitions. The only person bearing the reason for harming Rose is no other than Kate. Daniel is like the shadow of Kevin, even if the shadow faltered Daniel never would. That much Rose knew.

But stating Kevin would bring no help, she was certain. If Kevin digs into this matter, a bunch of random maids would pay the price of their lives nothing else, he would never suspect his sister. Rose desperately hoped her suspicions were wrong, though she feared they weren't. Rose never wanted to think of Kate harbouring such malice towards her. In between these thoughts, Rose somehow despised herself for becoming like this, being drawn into these webs of deceit and immorality.

Her heart skipped a beat as she brought the uncapped poison bottle near the plate but she kept her face impassive. Her eyes locked onto Kate's, watching her expressions shift as disbelief crept into her expression. With swift, deliberate movements, Rose sprinkled drops of poison onto the cake slices and placed the small poison bottle on the bedside table. Before Kate could react any further, Rose cornered Kate trapping her between the bed frame and herself.

"Here, have it," Rose smilingly cooed while cutting a small portion with the fork and bringing it near her lips.

"No no, I don't want it, no," Kate moved her head sideways whimpering softly backing her body more into the bed frame.

"It's your favourite, Kate. You were just demanding it," Rose gently but adamantly tried to make her understand holding those poisoned slices. Kate's eyes which were practically salivating at the sight of those cake slices were now reflecting utter confusion.

"Please Rosey" Kate whimpered her hands trembling trying to move away the plate from Rose's hand, "I don't want to eat"

Rose's hold tightened around the plate and her cold eyes became more determined observing her reaction, "Trust me. You'll like it" Rose reassured moving closer.

"No, no, no. I can’t. I can’t eat it," Kate's breathing quickened, her chest rising and falling rapidly. She let out a small, pitiful sob, her voice was cracking and her body trembling.

"Why not? You were eager just a moment ago," Rose pressed, her suspicion was growing but also her heart clenched observing the trembling of Kate.

Tension crackled in the air.

Kate's eyes darted around everywhere in the room avoiding Rose's intense observation. 

"I ... I changed my mind," Kate stammered in a higher-pitched voice being more frantic. But Rose moved herself more close, hovering closest to her. Kate's body trembled more, she turned her head both ways sharply while closing her eyes shut, "Rose, I don't want it!" She cried out, her voice quivered with shrill and desperation. She tried thrashing the plate away from Rose's hand causing the plate to crash on the floor, spreading the remains on the floor.

But Rose was more than adamant. Carrying on her actions even though she was nervous to her core.

She caught Kate's hand in hers and before Kate could comprehend anything, Rose brought the fork to her lips. Just as the cake was about to touch her lips, Kate's demeanour changed abruptly. Her eyes snapped open fixed on Rose's action rather than darting here and there, the terror melted away and was replaced with a chilling clarity of actions as she caught Rose's wrist tightly strictly stopping her from any inch of movement.

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