Mothra's Mother Day Special

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Mothra sighed as the sea breeze tickles her fur while her eyes glanced at the beauty of the sunset. This usual routine helps her mood calm after spending weeks helping the humans and checking the Titans together with Godzilla, and wondering about Battra's current status of his people and his priestess.

Why did she have to go here?

Well, simple.

When she arrived on her temple one noon, the Shobijin, her priestesses, told Mothra that Godzilla would like to meet her at sunset, pointing the direction where she's heading. Thanking them, she fly away from the deep emerald forests to the majestic blue ocean. She headed towards the South Pacific Ocean for a few hours and finally found the destination: an island rather. It is full of lushful vegetation, such as there were no single speck of damage from Titans or human settlement.

Back to the present, Mothra wondered where was Godzilla. Maybe he has something to deal with other Titans?

While her thoughts clouded on her people and the priestesses she needed to do, she did not notice or feel a presence near her.

Suddenly, something fell on her fluffy head, which she was startled.

Picking it up and brought close to her face, she saw a large flower crown decorated with vines and all, and it seems there's no such thing as poisonous of this thing.

Who did-

Then she heard a cute chitter, and a low snicker behind.

The Queen spun around to see above the cliffs, none other than her King and husband, Godzilla. Alongisde a larva almost the size of her own, but different.

"Goji? Astra?"

"Mommy!" Mothra Astra ran to the other side of the cliffs towards her, giving a warm hug, which the Queen hugs back.

"Did you..." She held the flower crown. " this?"

The young soon-to-be Queen of the Monsters nodded enthusiastically.

"Uh-huh! Daddy was the one who finds flowers and plants and then I made this for you! It's a special gift before my metamorphosis state tomorrow."

Mothra made a look to Godzilla, who shrugs back.

"Did you and my daughter...just-?"

The King raised his hand in an attempt to avoid his wife's inner anger and suspicious.

"I left our daughter to the Shobijin and traveled to Hollow Earth all by myself, then I went back to the surface world and pick her up before ending here. Our Princess here is quite skillful of making this flower crown."

Mothra sighed. Of all times, she will make sure none of some damn business would've talk about her child's wellbeing all because of their overprotectiveness and attentive care. But, was impressed yet happy about the gift she appreciated.

"Ooooohhhh look! Pretty sunset!" The young larva pointed her stubby arm towards the beautiful sunset, casting a colors of orange, peach, and pink to purple highlights.

Mothra chuckled. "Yes it is, sweetie..."

Godzilla stomps his way to his wife, adjusting his position, his arm bringing closer to his wife and his daughter. He gently pick the flower crown from Mothra's limbs, before he placed it on her head. The Queen looks at her husband, their eyes sparkled in love and purity. As if it was hypontizing their consciousness, the two leaned over for a passionate kiss. Mothra Astra, however, found this disgusting yet cute at the same time, her cheeky face turned red, before she buried herself on Mothra's fluffy chest. The two ended over their kiss, as they leaned their heads down to their child, chuckling lightly at her antics.

As the last ray of the sun faded into a twilight, the King and Queen looked each other one more time before glancing above the stars, feeling the presence of their ancestors looking down below.

"You're gonna have a big day tomorrow, sweetie." Mothra whispered to her daughter, who now falls asleep due to the warmth of their bodies.

"I can't wait for you to become beautiful and divinely moth you are just like my Queen..." Godzilla thought aloud, a warm smile spread across his face.

The three admired the beauty of the twilight as it is replaced by dazzling stars.

A single bright star - the brightest of them all - is seen twinkling above the heavenly beauty, accompanied by a celestial voice, humming peacefully of the majestic tapestry of the skies...

A single bright star - the brightest of them all - is seen twinkling above the heavenly beauty, accompanied by a celestial voice, humming peacefully of the majestic tapestry of the skies

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AN: This is the continuation of the Princess of the Monsters, a Godzilla fanfic I created on Under the username ADM-StarBlitzSteel-4305. If you haven't read it, go check my username.

Have a bright day everyone! 😉

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