t w e n t y - o n e

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Verenzio sat in his office, his stern face illuminated by the cold glow of the computer screen. The financial reports of the family business lay before him, but his mind wasn't on them. Since their youngest sibling, Yawa, had disappeared four months ago, an air of tension and resentment had settled over the household. None of the brothers spoke of her fondly; the memory of her was tainted with anger and suspicion. The six brothers were part of the Varni Mafia family, and they ruled their territory with an iron fist. Their parents' deaths had only hardened them further, turning their hearts cold and unforgiving.

A knock at the door broke the silence. Verenzio looked up to see Ramirez standing there, his expression one of irritation. "There's a package for you," Ramirez said flatly.

"Bring it in," Verenzio replied, his curiosity piqued.

Ramirez returned with a plain brown package, and the other brothers—Marlon, Mason, Ricario, and Romeo—gathered around, intrigued. Verenzio opened the package with methodical precision, revealing a simple phone and a note. He read the note aloud:

"Watch the videos. The truth will set you free."

Marlon, ever the tech-savvy twin, took the phone and connected it to the computer in Verenzio's office. The brothers crowded around as the first video file opened, their faces masks of cold indifference.

The screen flickered to life, revealing their uncle Jake in a dimly lit room. Yawa, much younger, was cowering in the corner, her eyes wide with terror. The brothers watched in silence as Jake's voice filled the room, harsh and cruel.

"You think you're so special, don't you? Just because your mother had the perfect life, the perfect husband, the perfect kids," Jake snarled, his words dripping with venom. "Well, I showed her, didn't I? I showed them all!"

Jake's hands were large and rough as he grabbed Yawa by the arm, yanking her to her feet. She whimpered, tears streaming down her face. Without warning, he backhanded her, the force of the blow sending her sprawling to the ground. The sound of the slap echoed through the room, making Verenzio's stomach churn. In the background, the person filming laughed, a low, malicious sound that made the scene even more disturbing.

"Did you see that? She can barely stand!" the cameraman taunted, his voice thick with amusement.

Another video began, even darker than the first. Yawa was tied to a chair, her face already bruised and swollen from a previous beating. Jake stood over her, a sinister smile playing on his lips.

"You see this?" he sneered, holding up a shard of glass. "You're going to eat this. And if you ever speak a word of this to anyone, I'll kill your brothers. I'll kill every last member of the Varni family."

He forced Yawa's mouth open, pressing the sharp edge of the glass against her lips. She tried to resist, but he was too strong. The brothers watched in horror as Jake shoved the glass into her mouth, making her chew and swallow. Blood mixed with tears as Yawa choked and gagged, her small body wracked with sobs. The person filming moved closer, capturing every agonizing detail. He chuckled darkly, clearly enjoying Yawa's torment.

"That's it, girl. Swallow it down," he said mockingly. "You're just a waste of space."

Another video showed an older Yawa, still young but visibly more broken. Jake was in a rage, throwing her against a wall with such force that the plaster cracked. He kicked her in the ribs, the sickening thud making the brothers wince. Yawa curled into a ball, trying to protect herself, but Jake was relentless. He grabbed her by the hair, dragging her to her feet only to punch her in the stomach, making her double over in pain.

"I killed your precious parents," he spat, his face inches from hers. "I killed them because they deserved it, and so do you."

The person behind the camera laughed again, the sound grating on the brothers' nerves. "She's tougher than she looks, Jake. Maybe you need to hit her harder."

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