Precious baby girl

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     It had been 5 years since Wander and Hater had become a couple, 3 years since they had moved in together (with Sylvia as well), and 2 years since they had gotten married. Some might have said that they were going too fast, but they didn't see it as such.

     After filling out all the paperwork months prior, dozens of home checks, and making sure that the ship was a stable environment for a child and clearing out the weapons in an area where a child couldn't reach them, they could finally bring home their little Myra.

     As they walked to the orphanage, Wander had a smile plastered across his face. Meanwhile, Hater was worried with fright. What if he was a bad father? What if someone already adopted Myra? What if there was a final check and they failed? He looked towards his husband, and his fears immediately melted away.

     The orphanage was an old grey brick building, seemingly draining color from the buildings nearby. But the sign was dabbled in colorful handprints, labeled: "Giriano's orphanage." As they stepped inside, they were greeted by the receptionist, Mrs. Stewartson. She had a raspy voice, one that sounded like a rusted pipe.

"Hello, Mr. and Mr., here to pick up little Myra?"

"Oh, yes!" Wander said, bouncing up and down while shaking Mrs. Stewartson's hand. "We did all our paperwork, and are ready to become parents! Where could we find her?"

"Down the hall to your right, second bed on the left of the door frame."

"Great, thanks. Bye!" Hater choked out as Wander was dragging him through the green carpet. "You're gonna rip my arm out of its socket!"

     An audible pop was heard throughout the hall as they both stared at Hater's arm. It didn't slow down Wander as they kept going through the long corridor. Finally, they got to the room to be faced by Myra. She was a short little green alien girl, no more than 5 years old. She was deaf, but able to read lips and was learning how to talk.

"Hi, Myra! Did you miss us!"

     Wander's face lit up as she nodded, taking Hater and Wander's hand. As they walked across the sidewalks, she skipped over every crack and jumped over every puddle, a small little smile on her face as they walked to the Skull Ship. Her eyes were wide as she saw her new home, and walking on the tongue of the ship freaked her out.

     But, nonetheless, she seemed thrilled to have a new and shiny home. She first got introduced to Commander Peepers, the second in command to the Hater empire. She was 2 inches taller than him, but he put his pride aside to give her a tour of the ship. She met the watchdogs and was cheered on as an air to the hypothetical throne.

     Hater wanted to introduce her to Captain Tim, but for obvious reasons, Wander said no. They then met Sylvia, who gave her a piggyback ride throughout the rest of the ship. As they were flying through space, they saw a planet under attack by none other than Sourdough, the Evil Sandwich!

"Oh man! I was totally gonna conquer that planet!"

     Myra tilted her head in confusion, looking at Hater.

"Oh, right. We didn't tell you about all the conquering and helping planets and stuff. There's this thing called the villain leader board and-"

     Wander put his hand up to Hater's mouth, still keeping a smile, albeit a nervous one.

"We'll talk about all that when you're older! For now, let's just help those people on the planet."

     They landed on the planet gracefully due to the watchdogs, keeping in mind that they had a new cadet on board. Everyone exited out of the Skull Ship while Wander, Hater, and Myra were inside and watching everything from the eye of the ship. There was a crash from behind them, and when Wander and Hater turned around (Myra in hand), they found that Sourdough's minions had managed to bust a hole into the Skull Ship and found their way in the control room.

"Aha! It is I, the evil sandwich! Prepare to grovel on your knees! Wait, where is everyone? Why are you the only ones here? And who's kid is that?"

"Well, first off, everyone's outside invading your ship. Second off, nobody in their right mind is gonna let a 5 year old onto the battlefield. Third, she's our kid. And forth, buzz off!"

     Hater then zapped Sourdough, practically turning him into burnt toast. Her minions then rushed her out of the ship, where they were met by the Watchdogs, led by Peepers. Sourdough surrendered and fled to another planet (probably to either regroup or conquer that one).

     When everything had been said and done, it was 8:00 pm. Myra looked tired, so they led her to her room, the last part of the ship to be shown. The door was white with pink letters spelling out her name, and inside, it was a nice fluffy looking white bed. The walls were pink and yellow, her favorite colors. Inside the room was a desk, complete with a pencil case and frilly pens. As she laid on her new bed, Wander tucked her in and kissed her forehead before shutting off the lights and closing the door.

     The next morning, she woke at 7 o' clock. She smelt something delicious cooking, so she walked along the long corridor from her room to the kitchen. She was greeted by many Watchdogs, all showing her friendly faces as they marched to wherever they were going. She finally got to the kitchen, met with Wander wearing an apron that read "kiss the cook." It appeared as if he was baking something, a sweet aroma filling the air as he stirred the ingredients in a rhythmic way. His face lit up when he saw Myra walk up to him.

"Oh, Myra! I didn't think you would be up already, considering the exhausting day you had yesterday. Why don't you wait and eat breakfast before I tell you the good news?"

     Myra nodded her head and jumped up to a chair, patting her hands on the white and black marble countertop as she patiently waited. Breakfast turned out to be cinnamon buns, a favorite of Myra's. As she ate, Wander talked to her in a bubbly and excited tone.

"So, Myra. I have 2 things to tell you! One, you're starting school next week, so tomorrow we're gonna go pick up some school clothes and necessities! And two, since you're going to be starting school soon, me and your father decided to pitch in and get you these."

     When Wander was done with his sentence, he pushed a small box towards Myra. The box was black, with a golden lace like design lovingly painted on it. There were a few words written on the box in caligraffti, seemingly being written with a pen and quill. It even had a black and golden bow. It enamored Myra, so she was careful to open it, Wander helping her along the process.

     Hater walked into the room with a camera, which befuddled Myra. But, at last, the box was opened to reveal black hearing aids, decorated with pink stripes streaking across them. Myra looked at them and then looked at Hater and Wander, a grin on her face spread from ear to ear.

"Smile!" Hater said as he snapped a picture. "Oh man, that one's going in the future scrapbook. Now, put them in and tell us what you think, Myra!"

     Myra put the hearing aids in her ears and pushed a button, turning them on. She could hear. She could hear the distant marching of Watchdogs as they went off to a meeting. She could hear the shouting of Peepers, even. As she looked up to her 2 dads, she told them:

"T-thank you.."

     Both Hater and Wander's faces lit up, as they knew that while raising a child would not be easy, nor glamorous, they would still choose to raise Myra any day. Because they wanted to raise Myra, and they loved her from the moment they saw her all those years ago.

Two aliens and a babyWhere stories live. Discover now