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It was a cold night with a windy breeze. Chatter and noise, creating confusion in the crowd. Violet was on the platform, waiting for her train to arrive. She was looking around, as if to be prepared to go on board but the train hadn't arrived just yet. Her curly dark, long hair was flowing in the wind as there was a man that approached her. With his hands in his pockets and his dark curly hair hiding his amber brown eyes.

"Are you waiting for your train?" He says.

"Yes, why? Are you getting on the same train?" She replied.

The boy smiled, "Yes." He affirmed.

As they waited together in silence, they realise something is different. It feels as if they've known each other since forever, even though that could just be in their heads. It felt different being together. They felt comfortable being in complete dead, quiet silence even though they just met. Something was so familiar, but they couldn't pinpoint what. They suddenly locked eyes and it was hard for them to keep eye contact. It was too beautiful yet deep, and they couldn't look away, not even if they tried. One of them suddenly spoke up, catching the other off guard.

"So, what's your name, if I may ask?"

"I'm Violet, you?"

"I'm Flynn, nice to meet you." He says, holding out his hand to greet her warmly along with a smile.

She reaches out her hand, returning back the warm smile and shook his hand accordingly.

"Nice to meet you, too." She replied, locking eyes with him.

There was something similar about them. Both had dark, curly hair, amber brown eyes, and such an intense feeling between them. Yet they just met. What could this mean? Is it all just coincidence? Or is there something more to it?

The train suddenly arrived, and it opened its doors. Violet and Flynn were more than happy to go to their destination together.

"Where are you going to?" He asked, curiously.

"I'm looking for inspiration for my work. How about you?"

"Woah, that's so nice! I am travelling because I am an actor. What kind of work, if I may ask?"

"I am writing a book." She said, as she wandered to her seat. He follows her to whichever section she's about to settle in.

The train was a bit loud, with all the people walking in and out of the train. Violet then got into a section which was empty with Flynn behind her, and they sit down getting comfortable. They're sitting, facing each other while they're excited to experience their travelling journey together. He pulled out a newspaper, reading the latest news. She was observing him, admiring how handsome he is. She tried to not look, especially to not make it obvious. There was something about him that made her question things. It seemed as if she was looking back at her reflection in the mirror. She then took a book out of her purse, and started to read. He was stealing glances at her. They were in silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable. It was a comforting sensation. She started fidgeting with her ring as she's reading. He notices this and startles her.

"Hey, are you okay?" His eyebrows furrowed in worry, making sure she is alright.

"Oh, yes, sorry if I seemed a bit anxious. I just fidget around when I'm a bit nervous." She explained.

"Why are you nervous?" He asked, confused.

"I just get a bit of anxiety when I travel, it's just a thing I've always had since I was little. Don't worry about it. Thank you for the concern, though." She smiled at him, reassuringly.

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