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3rd September 1993

PREVIOUS night at the dinner, older students learned that Draco Malfoy destroyed Hagrid's first lesson, because he didn't listen to instructions and got injured by Hippogriff. They all hoped that the gamekeeper wouldn't be sacked, but due to Malfoy's father's nature, it was likely he'll try to fire him.

On Friday morning Y/N and her friends passed Pansy Parkinson at Slytherin table, as she questioned bleach haired boy if he's alright, her fake sweet voice and Draco's dramatic answers making Y/H/C haired girl gag.

She really wanted to hex the boy, but she knew that her parents and godfather would scold her, maybe even send a Howler, if she got into trouble first week in school.

"Oh Merlin, I've never seen such a dramatic bitc—" Y/N was stopped with sharp nudge in ribs, she narrowed her Y/E/C eyes incomprehensibly at Angelina. Girl sitting next to her nodded her head, her dark brown eyes staring behind Y/N.

Gryffindor girl turned her head, revealing Remus Lupin standing there, amusement dancing on his face as he heard what his goddaughter said. Y/N smiled awkwardly and waved her hand at him, casually leaning into the table, pretending as if she didn't say a swear word.

"Hello godfather, what a beautiful morning innit?"

"Well good morning to you too, Pup. Can I talk with you for a moment?" Remus chuckled at his goddaughter's antics. She stood up with nod of her head and went after him, thinking he'll tell her of for swearing. When they stepped into the stone corridor, they found the quietest corner and stopped.

"How are you feeling, Pup? I heard from professor McGonagall about your School Guide, it must be a lot," man with light brown hair asked Y/N, curiosity and worry evident in his voice. The girl fiddled with her long fingers for a minute until she replied.

"Honestly, I feel overwhelmed. I tried to study a little yesterday, but I stopped on eleventh page. The girls are big help, and me and mum covered almost everything theoretically so the practical part isn't so difficult. But I don't know if I can make it until O.W.L.s," she confessed, stress very clearly showing on her.

Remus did only thing that came to his mind first; he hugged Y/N tightly trying to calm her down a bit. Girl with (short/long) hair put both her hands around him too, her head laying in crook of his neck, her breathing readjusting back to normal pace.

"You can do this, Pup. If you ever feel like it's too much on you, just come to me, I'll speak to Minerva; I think I am still her favourite. You did eleven pages already and that's amazing," he reassured her. "Audrey and Oscar will be very proud."

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