•𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬•

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Hazel turned back to see a middle aged women with white hair and some black colour hair in between her beautiful white hair is visible.
Hazel just gave her a questioning look
"That is what they are saying, that iam his bride."
Hazel said that bitterly, that lady chuckled
"Jungkook do have a nice eye. He got a beautiful lady like you."
That lady stated Hazel remained silent
"By the way who are you?"
Hazel asked that
Lady smiled
"Iam their aunt,mina."
That lady stated

Hazel and that lady heared some womens noices and looked at the direction
Hazel got confused
"They are concubines of the kings."
Mina stated that
"They will only come in this specific day to share bed with kings. The kings will sulk their blood with their concern. They needed that to servive."
The lady stated
Hazels mouth got wide open
"Why would they sulk BLOOD!!??"
"As i said they needed that. They are surviving with animal blood. But it have limitations.for their survival, they need human blood, those concubines are willing to give them blood,that is their pleasure to do actually.
Glad that they can survive more days without human blood unlike other vampires who want to drink human blood daily to live."
These new information is something, which can't be digest easily according to hazel.
"You are saying that they are vampires!?"
Hazel asked that the lady nodded
"Ju--jungkook is also vampire!?"
The Lady again nodded
Before hazel could ask more one servant called the lady
So the Lady excused herself and went from there leaving hazel behind dumbfounded.
Hazel sat down in the floor, processing what the lady had confessed
Suddenly she heard someone knocking the door (which i mentioned before)
The voice started to increase, then it got stopped all of sudden
Hazel went towards the door and held the knob, before she could open the door
Jungkook called her
he asked that, hazel turned back to see him
To know the reality, that he is a vampire, hazel got chills in her body to see him standing infront of her
He came towards her
"Don't come here ok?"
Jungkook said that hazel nodded
He got confused to see her answering to his command
"Come, then."
Jungkook said that and started to walk
"Who is this?"
Hazel asked that, jungkook turned back to see, hazel pointing at a portrait

"Jungkook said that and started to walk"Who is this?"Hazel asked that, jungkook turned back to see, hazel pointing at a portrait

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"Uncle taehyung."
Jungkook stated that
Before she could ask further he interepted
"No. More. Questions."
He said that sternly and grabbed her wrist and started to walk out of that hall
She turned back, to see that place is slowly closing with magical wall, there is no such hall to see.
She looked at jungkook, then again to the direction were the hall located.
"There are some places, that you should not visit."
Jungkook said that
"Why can't i?"
She asked that
"Because you are a HUMAN."
jungkook stated that while pressing the last word to Make her understand
Again reality hitted her, that the person who is standing infront of her is a vampire
He looked at her in a questiong way
"Why are you starring at me like this?"
He asked that & stepped forward
Her words was stuttering
He looked at her eyes and again took one step forward, she felt scared and started to walk backwards
He chuckled to see that
He didn't stopped coming towards her
He pulled her closer
"do you know how love looks like?"
"um.. I don't know"
he smiled and leaned even more closer
"then look into this eyes, you will see it"
She starred into his eyes then gazed away
Suddenly she noticed some, sudden change in his body
Gradually his body became cold
The grip in her hands got tighten
He looked down, he seems like holding back his emotions
Hazel pov
I felt terrible, i tried to call him. But his gaze is still in floor
The grip was stronger in my wrist that i even started to get pain
"Jungkook--let me go, it hurts aah!"
I said that but no response from his side
But i lost my heart when i saw his hands which got changed, his sharp nails and veins are visible
What happened to his hands?? Same goes to legs
I can hear him whispering something
"Press the ring--Press the ring into my body~"
He is continusely saying that at first i didn't get,before i could press,he again looked at me
His eyes are shot red his front hair is falling into his eyes, still the glowing red eye lenses never failed to scare
Me.he looked at me with a thirst in his eyes, he seems like he will attack me.*dramatic music playing*
He smiled by showing his sharp vampire fangs
Before i could say further he pinned me into the wall in a fraction of second
I cried harder still his creepy smile haven't vanished
Without wasting any second he leaned to bite my neck
I tried to stop him
I called out his name loudly
seems like he can hear me, he is holding back by himself
He is again trying to tell the same thing
Without wasting a second i shrugged off his grip from my wrist before he could hold me again, i touched him with the ring
In the next moment, some force pulled him back and he started float in the air
I starred at that scene
He screamed loudly
I felt sad to see him like that, a red auro covered him,making a deep red light which makes it difficult for me to open my eyes
In the next moment he fell on the ground.
Everything became normal as before
I slowly went to him, suddenly the door opened revealing his friends, they fastly took him to medical room.
To be continued

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