Character Information

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OC 1

Name: Melanie Hooper

Age: 15

Favourite hobby: Singing (only in private)

Hair colour: Chocolate brown

Eye colour: Sapphire blue

Personality: Melanie is the type of girl who loves pink and everything pretty. She is known for being the pretty twin (although they are identical) and enjoys music. She is quite smart and knows that being pretty isn't everything. However, she is a bit sensitive and cries when being teased or bullied.

Sexuality: Lesbian (But she pretends to be straight)

OC 2

Name: Tabitha Hooper

Age: 15

Favourite hobby: Playing soccer (or football for non-Americans)

Hair colour: Chocolate brown

Eye colour: Sapphire blue

Personality: Tabitha is a complete tomboy. She hates girly things and everything to do with makeup. She is very supportive of her twin and occasionally allows her to give her makeovers to make her happy. Tabitha is very active and hates sitting still. She isn't as good in her studies as Melanie, but she doesn't mind. She doesn't care much about her appearance and can get very angry when someone insults Melanie. She can be stubborn as well.

Sexuality: Straight (But is supportive of LGBTQ)

OC 3

Name: Ella Mallory

Age: 15

Favourite hobby: Doing arts and crafts

Hair colour: Brown

Eye colour: Hazel

Personality: Ella is a bit shy as she had a troubled childhood. She is a bit childish and very kind. She is very close with her twin. Ella is in a stable relationship with Henry Ledge, but doesn't let that be her whole life.

Sexuality: Straight (But is supportive of LGBTQ)

OC 4

Name: Amy Mallory

Age: 15

Favourite hobby: Playing soccer

Hair colour: Golden blonde

Eye colour: Sky blue

Personality: Amy is Ella's slightly overprotective twin sister. The two girls are very close but unfortunately don't live together anymore. Amy is tougher than Ella and surprisingly very good at sports. Amy doesn't like being touched randomly and jerks whenever that happens. She used to date a girl named Liberty, but they decided that they were better off as friends.

Sexuality: Bisexual

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