34. 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆 (18+)

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He gently caressed my inner thighs, his touch sending waves of pleasure through my body. The cold sensation of his hands against my skin felt surprisingly exquisite.

Moving closer, his lips met mine in a passionate embrace, sending me into a dizzying whirl of ecstasy. I eagerly welcomed him, parting my lips to invite him in.

His touch danced across my body, causing me to arch my back in delight. With a rhythmic flow, he slid his hands to the delicate lace of my dress, gently pulling it down to reveal my shoulders.

As he removed the dress, his kisses grew more intense, igniting a fire of passion within me. The discarded fabric lay forgotten in a corner, as we became lost in each other.

Breaking away from our kiss, he gazed into my eyes and whispered, "My darling, you are dirty."

"only because my husband is shameless," I replied with a smile. He chuckled at my words, his hand moving beneath my bra to cup my bosom in a loving gesture.

It perfectly fit in his palm which he squeezed and whispered in a deep seductive tone, "Is that so, let me show you how shameless I am."

"I don't mind," I replied, pulling him closer by tugging on his collar and attaching my lips to his, kissing him like he did a while ago. The marks from last night are still on my body.

He is smirking in victory, which I can feel on my lips. He removed my bra and pulled away from the kiss, licking his lips to make them glossy.

"Let me have a taste of this meal," he whispered, staring at my big body. He attached his mouth to my chest, giving me wet warm kisses that made me feel aroused.

My hands were already wrapped around his neck, pushing him closer to feel him more. His knees were between my legs, and his hard length was pressing against my wet core, making me even more aroused. He was doing it intentionally, trying to make me even hornier. God, I feel like I took Viagra and it's taking over me.

I can feel how hard he is for me and it is giving me so much pleasure, I want him to be inside me right now. I want him to fill me and make me scream his name out loudly.

God, my husband made me shameless, teasing me right now. "Do you want me to fill you?" he questioned, his seductive voice sending shivers down my body.

"Yes, I do," I replied, sounding desperate. He chuckled against my skin and took my left nipple in his mouth, sucking it, giving me a warm sensation of pleasure in my body.

I am feeling heavy knots in my stomach and it feels nice. Sucking slowly and more slowly, which makes me feel like I'm in heaven. How is he so perfect at this?

"Please, Jeon," I said in a low voice. I want him to fill me. His fingers wrapped around my throat, and he slowly pressed it, whispering, "Let me do my work. I know you want me so badly."

"I want to please you," I whispered in a low voice. He chuckled, leaving my breasts and looked up at my face. "Really?" he raised his eyebrow.

I nodded. He flipped us, and now I'm on his chest, looking at his face. "Do you know how to please me?" he questioned with a teasing smirk on his face.

"Are you challenging me?" I questioned, pulling his collar. He chuckled and whispered in a seductive tone, "Take it as a challenge and please me, my lady."

I nodded and unzipped his pants. He is lying, staring at me with something that is making me feel so uncomfortable, uneasy, and shy. He smirked, pulling me closer by my waist.

"Are you planning to suck me off?" he questioned, his face buried in my chest, almost sucking them like a baby. I moaned in pleasure and hummed, slowly pulling myself back from him. He sat down on the couch, leaning his back against it.

He separated his legs, and I could see how hard he is. His member stood up because of his hardness. I sat down on the floor, the thing that was inside me last night.

I'm going to try it today? What do you think? How does it feel?

I'm excited, but I'm scared. I've never done it in my whole life, it's my first time. It's in front of me, I'm just staring thinking about what to do. I have only read about it sometime, but I want to try and please my husband like he does.

"Come on, girl! Give me a blowjob," he said, he opened his eyes and leaned in, holding my chin, "What's wrong?"

"I've never done it before," I replied, my heart racing. He chuckled and said with a smirk on his lips, "You just have to suck it like a lollipop or your popsicles."

"I've always wanted a girl who never did it," He leaned back on the couch, closing his eyes. I touched his member, giving it a kitten lick, and he just moaned.

So, let's just try and please him. Like this, slowly I gave him kitten licks on his tip and he thrust his hips to move himself in my mouth, I took the whole thing in my mouth, sucking it off like it's my favorite lollipop.

"Yeh, like this my doll," he whispered in a seductive voice filled with his moans as I bobbed my head on his d!ck. He reached my throat, thrusting so deeply to give both himself and me pleasure. I gagged on his member, which was as hard as rock. I wondered how it had fit me just last night.

"Yah, suck me off, I'm almost there," he whispered, grabbing his hair into a fist and pushing my head onto his member with more speed. My tears dropped from my eyes, and saliva dripped from the corners of my lips.

With a loud moan, he released hot liquid inside me and pulled out of my mouth. I gulped down the salty liquid, my first time experiencing it, and looked up at his face. I coughed a few times due to the gagging.

"How was it?" I questioned. He chuckled, pulling me towards him with his muscular arm and whispered on the skin of my neck, "It was incredible."

He started removing his white shirt, revealing his sweaty chest. His face was sweaty, his hair sticking to his forehead, and his lips glossy as he slowly attached his lips to mine.

It was such a soft, gentle kiss, soothing all the pain inside me. He placed his shirt onto my body while drawing different patterns on my back. I leaned my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

"Baby, we are not done yet. Let's go in the car," I nodded slowly. He buttoned up the shirt that he had just put on me and buckled up his pants again, then he picked me up from the couch.


As I promised, both parts are here. I know it's not that good, but feel free to drop your ideas in the comments section.

- kookie✨

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