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TP's P.O.V.

"SHU!!" looking ahead they saw--

"Valt!" he exclaimed, surprised as he did not expected to see his long time best friend here... Momentarily forgetting about everything as he stood up, catching Valt who jumped on him for a hug and twirled him a bit, finally putting him down but both of them still hugging each other.

"Woah! When did you come here? I didn't expected to see you all of a sudden! Why didn't you inform me about your arrival? And are you fine?" this was probably the 1st time ever he might have bombarded him with so many questions, calming down when Valt broke the hug gently.

"Woah! Woah! Calm down! I thought you would be happy seeing me here, about your questions, I came here just yesterday, then it wouldn't have been a surprise if I told you about coming here, third, as you can see I am completely fine! What about you?" he finally calmed down and asked his best friend who was too surprised to process he was there.

"Pinch me dude! Am I really seeing The Valt Aoi himself?" Taiga asked dreamily, jolting when Ren pinched him hard and it was now that they paid attention to the other kids with them and decided to greet them.

"Hey-- umm..." he looked back at Shu who immediately understood and looked at the kids who were looking back at him, expectantly.

"Taiga" he pointed at the red haired kid on his right side "Ren" he pointed at the black haired kid on his left, and then continued.

"These both are actually my Students for now. Taiga actually wants to join BC Sol and Ren, Raging Bulls" he said, Valt smiled at the kids who seemed a bit excited.

"Sure! Would love to have you someday, in BC Sol Taiga... We will contact you soon" he said, smiling when Taiga grinned wide.

"Yeah true Ren! Will just inform you guys soon, till then, both of you may go and Practice hard" he added, as Taiga and Ren finally departed, feeling overly excited to finally be able to join their respective dream teams.

Soon they both walked to the place near the lake and decided to lay down beside each other on the soft grass. After a few moments in comfortable silence, Shu decided to speak.

"So when did you come back?" Shu asked, looking at Valt.

"Well just Yesterday! Basically Kris and Free decided to just kick me out so that I can visit my home country, what about you?" Valt asked.

"Well, just 2 or 3 days ago.. Lain and Fubuki also decided to kick me out so that I can relax for a while and also visit in here, like that I will be able to look for more bladers in here who are willing to join us" Shu replied, his eyes closed.

"Well... Not gonna lie, I missed you so much" after a few moments, Valt admitted, slight red tint appearing on his cheeks. (Wait! Why am I blushing? And what's with my racing heartbeats?) he thought but looked at Shu, whose ears also somehow turned red as he looked at Valt with a small, shy smile.

"Not gonna lie, I missed you too" (What's with my red ears now?) he thought, groaning internally. Smiling, when Valt squeaked a bit and now did he noticed, Valt's hair was down and not usual spiky as it used to be.

"Wait! I just noticed, you have your hair down? Why?" he turned completely towards Valt as he asked him, Valt copying his actions as he turned too and said.

"Well, just no particular reason at all" he replied. A few seconds later Valt asked. "By the way, any Particular reason you're here? Like besides just visiting home country and relaxing, I am here to recruit new beybladers for BC Sol. It seems there's more to it, also you look quite worried. You know I am always there for you, right? You can share anything with me" a few seconds later Shu replied.

"I am also quite here for the same, things have been quite strange for some time now. I don't know but my gut feeling says something's definitely wrong" he sighed, Valt sat up, worried as Shu followed and sat up too.

"What do you mean?" Valt asked, worried.

"Just this sinking feeling, I don't know I feel like Ashtem is gonna be back. He hasn't gone yet" Shu sighed.

Shu's P.O.V.

"I just have this sinking feeling. I don't know I feel like Ashtem is gonna be back. He hasn't gone yet" I sighed. I have been having this feeling for quite some time now, that I don't know what to feel anymore. This was also the reason why they asked me to be here, in Japan. This feeling of being watched is something I can't decipher, whether it's real or I am simply having illusions. I came out of my thoughts by Valt's voice.

"But how's that possible? I mean wasn't Ashtem supposed to be gone forever now?" he questioned, worried. I sighed yet again, this is why I never wanted to tell him anything I knew he would get worried and that was the last thing I wanted him to be.

"I don't know Valt, I feel his disappearance all of a sudden, Snake Pit disappearing, then these rumors of some bladers behaving weird as well. I feel it's a sign either he's back or....." I trailed off not wanting to acknowledge the eerie thoughts getting into my head. I was brought out of my thoughts yet again, when I felt a gentle hold on my hand.

"I am glad you decided to share it with me, now listening to you, whatever doubts you are having makes sense. I have heard these rumors going around of young bladers behaving weird too, I just hope it's not Ashtem or I don't know what I would feel about it. But rest assured Shu, we're in this together, no matter what it is!" he exclaimed, determined, as he assured me, as I held his hand back. A small smile on both of our faces as we looked ahead at the purplish and orangish hue on the sky, indicating it's almost between dusk and night, soft breeze blowing every now and then. It was calm, peaceful yet my insides were churning and I knew I will have to be careful and wish for everyone else to be safe.

Later on we decided to stay in my apartment, I used to stay when I was still here in Japan. It was great opportunity to spend time with him and make up for the times I had almost forgotten about him being busy in handling Raging Bulls, we played video games and later on I cooked spaghetti and some Pasta Noodles as requested by Valt for dinner, I smiled at the thought of him still loving the food made by me.

No One's P.O.V.

While having dinner they fell into a comfortable conversation, Valt occassionally getting excited about something or the other related to Beyblading. Soon after dinner and washing the dishes they both got ready for bed and finally slept, feeling peaceful after a long time.


Somewhere, in the deeper parts of the forest, there was a cave, from outside it looked normal, but inside it housed a small complex. This complex consisted of a laboratory, and further inside, a room where an unconscious boy lay on a bed. Surrounding him were a few people, as they quietly conversed among themselves.

"Where did you find him? And where did he come from?" Yuna asked, feeling anxious ever since she saw Ami and Jun carrying the young boy to the room.

"Well we were just having a Practice Beybattle when we heard the loud thud. Following the direction of the noise, we found him lying on the ground. He looked shocked for some reason and then passed out," Ami replied, holding out her gloved hand for Yuna, who held it tight.

"Let's just wait for him to wake up, guys! I have done his first aid; he should be up in a while" said Sana, who had been silently checking out Ami, Yui, Haru and Jun's Beyblades. She slightly turned towards them as the others nodded. The room fell into tensed silence, as they glanced at the unconscious boy waiting for him to wake up soon. Outside, the forest seemed to be holding it's breath as if the entire world was waiting for him to wake up as well. Unknown to them, the things were more than what meets the eye, far more dangerous.

To Be Continued...

So hey guys! Hope you like the chapter... What do you think would have happened to the boy? How will he react after gaining his consciousness back? Are they ready, yet again for the dark powers that will unveil soon? Let's see for ourselves... Till then.......


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