5. Stars and Guitars

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The stars were glimmering in the sky above the eight of them. They settled at the patio of Surf and Serve after the squabble with Hoseok and Yoongi for putting sand on Yoongi, a fire pit lit with the smoke going high into the sky. Everyone sat on the outdoor couches and chairs surrounding the fire. They were snuggled up in blankets, towels, and whatnot, eating snacks to ease the small sense of hunger in a few of them.
"So.."—Jin began—"What'd you think of your first day with us and working at the shop?" He asked, taking a bite of a gimbap roll. Yes, when I say roll, he didn't cut it up into smaller portions, he was eating the roll itself.

"It was good. I like it here and I'm planning to stay here a bit longer. I'll probably find my place soon too, I don't wanna overstay my invite, y'know?" Seo-Yoon explained, looking up as she spoke. She was gazing at the stars, Jimin beside her following suit. A small "wow" escaped from her mouth at the beautiful sight above. "You can stay as long as you'd like, you're no burden to us at all. You're like family" Jin reassured her. A sudden idea had popped up in Yoongi's head, making him leave the group for the shop with Jungkook. Seo-Yoon was confused why they left though the five boys seemed unbothered.

"Where are they going?" She asked Namjoon. Even though she was with them barely for a day, she figured Namjoon and Jin were the best to ask the questions. "They're just grabbing their guitars. I think Jungkook was gonna grab one for you. Hoseok had told me that you said you were interested in playing with them earlier during lunch." She hummed in acknowledgement, nodding along with his words. The two soon returned with their guitars, another in Jungkook's hands for her. "Here, I wanna see what you've got." Jungkook handed her the guitar. The guitar in her hands was black with beautiful white designs and had a gorgeous sheen in the moonlight.

"Oooh, this is pretty" She gawked at the instrument, running her hand along the surface. "Yeah, there's a bunch more wacky colors in the back." Jin chortled, choking and coughing on his gimbap. "You guys have a pick?" She asked, and Yoongi threw her one. She attempted to catch the small, flat object, only to completely miss, and there it went through the wooden boards of the patio, being lost in the sand below the platform. "Well that's not good." Taehyung had said nonchalantly, stirring a small eruption of laughter between the boys. "That's fine, we've got hundreds more. Here, don't drop it this time." Yoongi remarked, a small chuckle leaving his lips. She had the pick in her grasp and began strumming. The noise had filled the air surrounding them. It wasn't any fast song or anything, it was a soft, slow sounding song, something that could lull you to sleep.

"wow.. that's magic." Jimin gawked at her skill, gazing at her. "That's beautiful..just wow." Taehyung seemed to be in a daze, wide eyes and everything. "thanks, that means a lot Taehyung." She smiled, handing the guitar back to Jungkook, who took it back. "I don't think I'm personally ready to play with you two, maybe later on we can play together." Jungkook went inside to take it back, and returned with a trudge. For hours, they were telling stories, talking, playing, singing near the fire, it felt like home to the girl. She felt comfortable with them, they were so welcoming and she loved it.

Time went faster than she wanted, and it was 11:39PM. "Let's go home you guys, it's getting late and I'm tired." Yoongi stated, the fire already out with a trail of smoke. The rest agreed, following him behind. Seo-Yoon was following behind, but felt someone grasp into her wrist. She looked behind her to see Jungkook.

"Can I show you something Seo-Yoon?" He asked, his wide eyes pleading for a yes. She looked at the rest of the boys who were leaving, then back at Jungkook, nodding in defeat. She was unable to combat with his doe eyes which pretty much got him what he'd like, which was unfair in most times. The two stepped into the surf shop through the glass door, and headed to the back. There, Jungkook began to step onto the steps of the loft she didn't pay much attention to. She followed suit, stepping up with him. At the top, it seemed cozy. There were pillows, a few string lights, blankets, and a bunch of random stuff. It was dark up where they were as the lights were off. "Lay down with me." Jungkook pleaded, and she followed what he said. Above them was a glass ceiling, giving a beautiful view of the sky above. The stars were bright above them with the dark sky.

"wow.. it's pretty up here." She whispered in awe, her eyes glued to the beauty above. Jungkook had his eyes on her, watching her with adoration. He began to feel something for her, and he knew well what it was. "You're beautiful.." He muttered lowly. "What?" She asked. She heard him speak, but just didn't hear his words. "Nothing." He was a bit upset she didn't hear, but also grateful she didn't. He smiled to himself, happy to spend time with her. They laid there, silent. The silence was comforting with him, so she chose not to break it.

"Back in Seoul..were the stars always so beautiful?" Jungkook asked. She shook her head with a smile, her eyes fluttering closed. "Too much light pollution to see. I love it out here, I've always had a love for astronomy, but never got to see the stars as bright." Jungkook had his eyes on her the whole time. The soft glow of the light made her look ethereal. "wow.." A small mutter came from him again. He was pretty much wrapped around her finger, and it's only been two days knowing each other.

"We should head back." Jungkook suggested, looking at his phone. 12:07AM. "We've been out for a bit, haven't we?" She joked with a boxy grin. 'Just like Tae's.' He grinned with her, his grin bunny-like. Together, they climbed down the loft steps (Jungkook had fallen) and began their walk back to their home. The salty waters were beautiful at this hour; the bright moon shone against the rippled waters. They walked side by side on the sidewalk, Jungkook's hand rubbing along the railing that followed the beach line. His eyes lingered on her hand. He wanted to grab it, hold it in his. He didn't. They continued walking, and their hands brushed against each other, both mustering a sorry.

9 minutes passed, and the silence was no longer comfortable, it was awkward. Jungkook cleared his throat before speaking. "Y'know, you're working in the café, restaurant tomorrow. I'm not sure what to call it honestly." He notified me. I nodded. "It's Jin, Namjoon...who else?" She began listing the boys' names. "Yoongi, Taehyung , Namjoon, and Jin-hyung that work in the café." He corrected her as they climbed up the flight of stairs that led to their house. "Ahh.. that's noted, thanks Koo." Jungkook's invisible bunny ears perked up at the nickname. "Koo?" He felt a rush of heat run to his face. She nodded. "I think it's cute." He smiled in return, opening the front door for her to enter. They both knew they were in for questions, but they didn't do anything particularly bad.

When they entered, the house was quiet, everyone was asleep...or so they thought. The sound of some of the boys was coming from the lounge room. The pair followed the sound to find Taehyung and Jimin awake, watching a movie together. They were watching Cars. Jimin heard the sound and turned his head, and Jimin turning his head caused Taehyung to turn his head. "You guys wanna join us?" Tae asked, motioning the two. "I'm gonna go shower first, then we could." Jungkook said, heading upstairs. "Me too, I'll be right back." Seo-Yoon went to her room, going into her bathroom and showering. The hot water running down from her back, down to the drain felt amazing against her tanned skin. She came out, dried her hair, changed into some loungewear, and returned to the boys as promised, Jungkook already sitting on a couch.

The two were watching Cars 2. Seo-Yoon stifled a laugh but didn't judge. Jungkook had a small grin on his face out of amusement, watching the movie with them. Tae had thrown blankets at the two who joined and Jimin threw pillows. At least they were being considerate. The movie went by quickly, and it was over. "Cars 3?" Jimin suggested and they were willing to watch the third sequel. The girl shook her head. "I'm going to bed, I'll see you guys tomorrow, good night." She was already trekking towards the stairs to go to her bed, she was desperate to get to bed. "Good night Seo-Yoon." She heard Jungkook say to her from the lounge. She smiled to herself, entering her room and closing the door behind her.


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