Word Of Honour With The Jury

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Curiosity kills the cat, never give in. That's what Rebecca's elders tried to teach her but she turned deaf to their philosophy. She always liked to let this exciting feeling take the best of her. With this, she had been to places she shouldn't have even known, which was why she didn't stop herself from exploring further. She loved exploring.

While Adele seemed lost in the mansion herself, she took advantage and scooted away from her prying eyes. She trod quietly toward the right corridor. Her eyes greedily sinking the luxuries around. She was fascinated by the interior here. She would have stolen a thing or two if her father hadn't told her about the hidden micro-cameras installed somewhere in the wallpapers. There were enormous oak doors feet by feet, leading to different rooms. She noticed glass windows on her right that gave her an indoor swimming pool view, rushing close, she clicked a few pictures and saw the other window right opposite to it. Letting her feet take her toward it, she sneaked inside and noticed it was some meeting room. There were bookshelves and a sitting lounge. Her view was limited to the five-step-length staircase but she knew there was a mini office upstairs.

With her phone recording it all. She upped the device to set an angle. But before she could record a thing, a little distortion occurred inside. Her eyes fluttered from her screen to the window. A shadow rolled past. She realised there was someone in the room that she couldn't see through.

She immediately dropped to her knees and continued to peek sneakingly from the corner. For a few seconds, nothing came into her sight until a scream burst in the air, making her heart jolt in apprehension along with her body flinching. She cornered her head for a better view, and just then she saw a man being yanked in the lounge. He was pushed from the mini-staircase. Her eyes widened in shock and her breath staggered. He was bleeding through his forehead and ear. She noticed a few purple bruises on his cheekbone and under the swollen eyebag.

Her hand went to her rattling chest and in that same second her eyes instinctively darted to the pair of shoes that came within her eyeshot. Expensive shiny leather shoes exuding con...no, not confidence, they were exuding arrogance, mightiness, power. This gait wasn't typical.

The poor man dragged himself away from those shoes that immediately eliminated distance in one haughty step. Becca's gut feeling warned her and screamed to walk away but she didn't lay an ear to it. She continued to witness the scene.

What baffled her was that the injured man wasn't begging him for mercy, his face wasn't contorted with agony or fear. Instead, he was openly glaring at him as if inviting the devil upon himself, and just as she thought of the devil, the man stepped ahead and his face came bare to her eyes. Rebecca gulped and focused her gaze on the predator.

6'3'' or taller layout, broad shoulders, sturdy chest with tailor-fit black shirt and silk-vest on, the linen fabric was hugging his taut biceps righteously, it looked like the shirt would tear if he'd move too much. His side features were also chiselled as if he freshly got out from the vogue cover. His raven black hair was complimenting his profile. He looked deliciously handsome. Someone she would rather find in the VIP cabin of some club on a Saturday night than in this room like this with a sledgehammer.

His predatory gait was adding to his intimidating aura. There was a sinful touch in him, making her thighs clenched together with wild excitement. She ogled him with parted lips. It took her a second to zone out of the fantasy and actually notice what he was doing.

He stomped his shoe on the man's chest and applied pressure on it. The man resisted feeling pain but he continued to double the force. Just as the man let out a pained gasp, he raised the sledgehammer and was about to burst his head into two when a feminine scream captured his attention. Instantly, his eyes attacked on the intruder and found a blonde woman witnessing this with a scared expression.

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