False Promises

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Adeline woke up to a light sunbeam enlightening the beige-themed room. She softly grunted and raised up on her arm as she rubbed her left eye. Unloading knots in her shoulder muscles, she blinked recurrently and looked around. Her eyes instinctively jumped on the figure laying beside her as she turned that way. Rebecca. She closed her eyes and sighed vexedly under her breath. Her eyes opened again on her parted mouth that was lining a drool down her chin. She tossed the duvet and jumped out of the bed.

She went to the washroom, did her business, had her morning shower and came out after drying her hair and wearing her clothes. By the time she came out, Trenton was inside her room. Her breath staggered the second she registered his presence.

"Trent...h..hey" Shock and apprehension were vividly glistening in her greenish-brown orbs. She gulped. No matter how much she tried to prepare herself for this moment in the shower, she couldn't help but feel cold shivers down her spine.

Trenton turned around and saw her hand grabbing the knob a little too tightly. He dragged his eyes on her and passed a nonchalant smile. "Good morning," He greeted coolly, too casual to race her heart even more. Shouldn't he be glaring at me?

"Good morning," She loosened her hold on the knob and meekly stepped ahead, pretending to be calm and composed.

She was getting really confused seeing him relaxed. Did he not tell him about the incident yet? "You woke up early, it's not even eight," He stated generally. Adeline shrugged.

"I couldn't sleep so thought of taking a shower," She replied before nibbling on her upper-lip. "You are here, is...everything good?" She finally asked the bother.

Trenton blankly gazed at her for a second before nodding. "Yeah, everything's cool, just came to check up on you both. I know she can be hard to handle," The fact that he was donning formals told her he either met someone or was going to meet. Adele's throat dried immediately. He didn't tell her as of yet but that didn't mean he wouldn't. But only if she'd apologise to him and convince him not to tell this about her brother and father. Maybe he would listen.

"Everything's okay, bubbles?" Trenton asked all of a sudden, ripping her from her thoughts. She blinked and placidly nodded.

"Yeah, everything's good,"

Trenton pursued his lips and pondered upon her answer for a moment until he felt the urge to ask something. "You met him, right?" He probed while sliding his hands into his pocket.

"Huh?" She blinked, unable to catch the meaning.

"You met him," He asked with his head sliding to his right. She swallowed and wondered who exactly he was asking about.


"Enrique, of course," Her tensed muscles unknotted for a second, only to get impacted again by her gloomy heart. If only that man knew how many years she had waited for that event to happen, only to get disappointed this way.

Adele shook her head and averted her gaze to somewhere other than Trenton. Trenton frowned. "What do you mean? Dad didn't introduce you to him?" His voice got crisper, he sounded working up. Trenton was late to enter the hall, he had missed their entrance deliberately, he didn't have the heart to see his sister getting acquainted with her bidders. Shame was killing him. Too much that he had to rush to the restroom and weep his heart out. His sister was going to be punished for his sins.

"No, he said he couldn't make it...you know, work calls that can't be ignored," There was a tinge of taunt in her tone, and why not, everyone had brainwashed to believe their first encounter was going to be magical, that he was equally desperate to see her as she was but the elders of the family had their own rules—which wouldn't be bent for anyone, so they'd have to wait. And now, when the night came, her aspirations were easily tattered. He refused to meet her despite being there.

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