Sweet & Cruel Dilemma

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Chillax, loves. No third-party situation involved. Kieran is exclusive to our Adele.

Adeline was on pins and needles from the moment vets took the pup for immediate surgery. He had lost a lot of blood and his dying pulse had a thin chance but the surgeons still took a risk on her assistance or maybe when the guard spoke with them in Italian. She agreed it was the guard's efforts that convinced them. Now even though the procedure was time-taking but they were willing to do the surgery. Yet still, she couldn't stop pacing outside the theatre room.

After a good time, the nurse came out and briefed Adele about the case, they had stitched his wounds and currently keeping him under observation, Adele glanced through the small window and saw him unconscious laying on the stretcher with a needle attached to his paw. The poor baby had suffered from cardiac arrest. It was a miracle that he managed to survive for long otherwise such cases were always a lost call before they could make it here.

Adele sighed thankfully and followed the nurse when she asked her to fill in the required information about the pup. And since she had no space to accommodate him with her, she had to put him in the adoption papers.

Sitting in the lounge, she filled it with the help of his men and handed the clipboard back to the nurse. If the men weren't accompanying her, she would have had a great deal of difficulty dealing with the doctors. The language barrier had almost got her hand in hand.

Once making sure he was safe and sound, she gave him a last farewell smile and whispered goodbye in her heart. The guard was kind enough to pay the bill and also took the doctor's number for any emergency, how polite.

She was biting her lip in nervousness as they headed back to the car after an hour. Adele inwardly prayed that he was gone by now but just as the guard opened the door for her, a thick cloud of smoke glided out of the door, welcoming her with a musky fragrance. Adele's brows arched as they settled on his expensive shoes. Her nose sniffed and it caught the familiar nicotine scent—that her father used to consume whenever he came to visit her.

She pulled her eyes to his face and saw him dragging a puff while staring out. She exchanged an awkward glance with the bald man and slid in gingerly. Her instincts turned her to the former position but there was blood all over the seat, more so, the smoke would have flown direct on her face if she had settled opposite him, which was why she, begrudgingly, took the first-class seat beside him.

Feeling super nervous beside him, she wrung her fingers in her lap and nibbled on her lower lip with her teeth.

Just as the car kicked into motion, she rested her back against the seat. Lost in her thoughts, she was thinking about him. Enrique; the man living rent-free in her brain-cells until something clicked in her mind. Cap. Her cap.

Her eyes combed everywhere between the seats and footboard but she couldn't find it anywhere. At last, her glance settled on him, he was stubbing out his cigar in the ashtray. Her gut feeling told her not to initiate any conversation but since he stayed in the car, she had to ask.

"Have you..." her words lost their track when he suddenly trained his eyes on her. He might have felt her gaze on him. Unconsciously, her back erected in hypertension and she swallowed through her clogged throat. No matter how much she tried to feel normal, the intensity of his eyes never failed to make her stomach flip in giddiness.

She detached their eye contact and hunted around, asking. "H..have you seen my cap?" Her voice was quivering, even she heard it clearly. Her brows crumpled up when her question was met with absolute silence. She blinked awkwardly and threw a weird glance at him. He still gave her no response.

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