Wedding Or Funeral?

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Adeline was gobsmacked. How?... How could he kill a man?

Her hands stamped against her mouth as tears spilt down. Shock had her mind gone to dumps with her heart rate busting. She blinked rapidly for her vision to refocus. Did she really see him killing a man? Or was it all an illusion? Her eyes zeroed in on the corpse. She was standing miles apart. It was difficult to tell whether the body was wearing something red or it was blood. The thick fog wasn't helping either. With a shaky breath, she put her hand on the window only to step back and put it on her heart when heavy footsteps reached her eardrums.

"Bubbles, hey," She snapped her head to his side and exhaled out a gasp. Trenton's frown grew when he saw tears in her eyes. He rushed to her and held her face. "Are you okay?" He quickly wiped her tears. "Tell me what happened?"

Her chin wobbled as she shook her head and crossed her arms around his neck, burying her face in his chest. Trenton collected her in his embrace and held her tightly. His eyes instinctively darted to the window and right away a bucket of regret washed over him as he saw guards tossing a bag inside the car, others cleaning blood off the ground. Someone was murdered and apparently, Adeline witnessed it.

Adeline wept against his chest. He took her upstairs to prevent eyes on them. He made her sit on a sofa in the third-floor hallway and crouched to her level, wiping her tears.

"You are scared," He mumbled with daggers piercing his heart. It was no question. She was scared. Dead-sacred. It was all in her demeanour but Adeline shook her head and denied it, snivelling.

", I...I'm not scared, it's's too hard to fit in," She mumbled while drying her lashes with forefingers. She knew it would happen but never thought this soon she would be witnessing it. Trenton watched her with a painful gloom.

He caressed her tear down her cheek and roamed his eyes blankly on her face. "You shouldn't have seen it,"

"I didn't. I didn't want to...I...I didn't even know it was going to happen," Adeline tried to explain in all her honesty with her hand out and eyes flicking here and there in shock. Trenton took her hand in his warm one and slightly pressed it, getting her eyes back on him.

"Relax...relax. Remember what Karla used to tell you? It's going to be hard at first but you..."

"...You always have to obey to fit in," She nodded, "I know and I will obey and this won't happen again, I'm sorry," Adeline completed for him with a tear. Each word brought a pang to his heart, stretching it until it pieced in halves. Just because of you, asshole.

"Trenton, will they accept me?" She hiccuped. Trenton stood on his knees and leaned closer to cup her cheeks.

"And why not? You are perfect, Adeline. You are what they need. They will accept you but you know it..." Trenton rattled out in underway panic. "...It takes time for them to accept a member, they will test you and you gotta show them your best," He calmed the quiver in his tone and faked a bright smile. Adeline glanced at him and then set her eyes behind him, feeling the burn that lies brought in her.

"Seems like they already started to test me," She taunted, Trenton frowned. She glanced back at him. "At the party. Did you and dad lie to me or was it them?" Adeline enquired in a hurtful tone. Trenton couldn't feel worse than this but he pretended blind and deaf.

"What are you talking about? What would we lie to you about?" He feigned shock, despite his conscience stabbing him.

"The party. He was at the party, I saw him but I didn't know it was him until," Another tear escaped her, Trenton eyed down as guilt ate his insides.

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