The Midnight Spy

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"No, Lisa. I can't do this," He shook his head as his whole body shivered in distress. He glanced up and stared at the man who was tied up against the wall with blood-coated cloth stuffed in his mouth. The man's black eyes were on the opaque window behind which he was standing. A bulb above the man's head was illuminating the dark room.

"I can't kill him," He flickered his gaze to the left and looked down at the petite girl who was holding his bicep with a disquieting stare at the man. She dragged her brownish eyes toward Kieran with firmness and meaning whereas his were full of apprehension and fear. Fear of becoming a killer. Like his father. Like every man around them.

"I can't do it either but we have to do it, Kay, that's the only way to survive," She instantly pulled a rueful smile and dipped her head, indirectly asking him to be strong.

"Lisa, they are asking me too much. I can't kill a man. I don't want to become a killer," Even the thought of it was abhorring.

Kieran raised his hand with which he was holding a gun. Could he be a killer? Could he kill someone? He promised his mom to be different from men in this outfit. He promised to keep his conscience alive no matter what.

"There are sacrifices this life demands from us. If we want to fight them then we have to become like them, otherwise, we won't be able to defeat them," She paused only for him to process her words. "And we both know if you won't kill him, they will torture him severely to break you and you don't want this one to die painfully too," She added and rubbed his back.

By 'this one' meant—many lives had been tortured before solely because he refused to kill them on spot. They did it to bruise his conscience. By doing this again and again, their goal was to initially desensitise the terror of violence in him. He let out a shallow breath as he reflected upon her words. One way or another, he would have to accept this path. The earlier, the better otherwise the training would become worse. Being the son of the capo dei capi, this life was the one who had chosen him.

The outfit was well-versed in breaking a human's spirit and turning them into monsters. And they knew the future capo dei capi didn't have much backbone to avoid reality for longer.

"It's a life we are talking about," He flitted his gaze to her and saw her gulping while her eyes were on the gun. Clearly, she was scared too but too persistent to ignore it.

"I know," She dragged her gaze toward his greyish orbs that were filled with turmoil and chaos. "But his life is better to be destroyed. He is one of the paedophiles, a human trafficker. His survival will only harm innocents," They both turned to the man who spat on the ground and jerked the chains and shackles that produced a chiming noise.

Kieran impassively stared at him. At this convicted criminal who tried to leak classified information to the intelligence about the outfit. The agents were this close to reaching Maximo and could have arrested him if he wasn't smart to dodge them. And if he had been put behind the bars, then the whole of Europe would have borne the consequences. Especially Italy, Spain and France. His arrest would have resulted in considerable chaos among these countries. The presidents, government officials, and many other big guns would have been ousted from power on spot. Maximo could do anything to terrorise the government and bombing the cities to blackmail them would have been the start of the show. It was all planned. But lucky that didn't happen. Maximo's men caught him and now, he was here—ready to be slaughtered out of fun.

"Come on, Kieran. You can do this," Alisa encouraged, pressing his shoulder.

"Will you hate me or leave me if I do this?" Kieran questioned as he held his fiancé's hand. He feared being despised by her. What if she believed he had his father's blood dominating his veins? What if she began to think he was born to be like them? Such thoughts dried his throat, letting a shiver run down him.

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